Syrian and American Christians: A horror that binds | The Economist



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One Response to “Syrian and American Christians: A horror that binds | The Economist”

  1. Alexander Harper said:

    The position of the Christian right in the US has long been incoherent to say the least. They support or at any rate collude with the oppression of Christian Palestinians in Israel-Palestine, to be fair most of them probably are not even aware that there is such a thing as a Palestinian Christian because this is never mentioned in the US. They supported the invasion of Iraq, where Christians enjoyed complete freedom of religion and a good position in society under Sadaam but most of whom have now been murdered or driven into exile under subsequent governments and who, under Maliki (little difference between him and Sadaam in practice)are subject to constant persecution. Now, finally they are up in arms about similar horrors being visited upon their recently discovered co-religionists in Syria. Actually I believe it was a colossal mistake on the part of the Obama administration and the US’s European allies to seek to topple Assad – have they learned nothing from Iraq, Egypt and Libya? – unpalatable though the Assad family regime is but the US Christians’ sudden outrage at what is happening in Syria has nothing to do with the plight of their fellow Christians and everything to do with their hatred of Obama.Thoroughly disingenuous and hypocritical. Good article.

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