
Hi I'm ClaudeQuestionable is my way of asking each of you why we as a combined group of once loving individuals are not posting here. You wouldn’t think that I’m implying that we are not close, do you?

I’m not afraid to venture deep inside my soul…and just like you – how many years will it take for all to open the circle of Love – My O’hana. Frantically, it saddens me to no end to recognize ’space’ and ‘vacuum’ are ever present. Sure we have all gone on to do other things, well that surely sounds like a clinical excuse, don’t you?

   We have all gone on to do other things and we are getting on – hell WWII and Rosy the Riveters blogs get more action.

Understandably, we have to come to our own conclusions, which mine is upon me at present. Either, we can not fully yet express our hearts as we were or we are without faculty and using the same excuses, “What for, for what goal or who’s purpose?” or as thought, you don’t like us anymore, once did and never will come to grips about the fortunate times; dark on some occasions but many more Light times that we’ve all saved up somewhere.

hello Now, the ’somewhere’ is the point of my contention and it is on the table – find it – open it – remember and share it with your friends. HAIR took so many of the good things from all religions, new found elations – combined them and gave you and I a glimpse into a past, yet a predictable unfolding for a new generation.

You can’t beat that! You and I were rubbing shoulders (some more than others), feeling that we could beat the theatrical game, and actually help the ‘movement’ achieve its highest glory. So, again – “where art thou, my Friend, where art thou?!”



This entry was posted on Saturday, November 4th, 2006 at 5:40 PM and filed under Uncategorized. Follow comments here with the RSS 2.0 feed. Skip to the end and leave a response. Trackbacks are closed.

15 Responses to “Questionable”

  1. Paul Korda said:

    Hello Lyle,
    Anyone who couldn’t make it to the Reunion 2006 and those who made it can check out my tongue in cheek mini-mentary on Google, for a limited time. It’s at:

    It’s a little wobbly, but the robots were out to lunch!

    As far as cast members posting on the blog, I know I had a few problems with setting a password, so others may be having the same problem. I’m sure it has nothing to do with any lack of idealism.
    Peace forever


  2. Lyle said:

    Thank you Paul for your efforts and past performances in HAIR.

    We can ‘see’ and again ‘remember’ Reunion 2006 – thanks


  3. Martin said:

    Lyle is asking why fewer people are posting in this blog. My take is that it is simply down to the relative dynamics of blogs and discussion groups. The (older) discussion group format meant that postings could come to you while the (newer) blog requires you to go out to them (unless you are tech-savvy enough to master RSS feeds).

    Blogs are great but they are different from discussion groups. I’m not saying one is better than the other, but the word ‘group’ says it all – discussion groups cater for groups who want to stay in contact, while blogs are for (usually) one person or organisation to make available their news, views or information to their acolytes.

    Michael has chosen to move to the blog format, and I am sure we are all grateful for his continuing support of the Hair world. But the blog can not and will not revive the vitality of the group, most of whose members – including previously avid posters – have by now probably voted with their feet and moved on.

    I for one am sorry, but this is a decision Michael has taken, on well-thought out grounds, as Nina has carefully explained more than once. I understand and accept this decision, and I would not like this posting to be taken as ingratitude – rather as a reasoned answer to Lyle’s query.

  4. Lyle said:

    Yes, thank you and I accept the decisions. This has been abundantly clear.

    “It is lonely here in a blog – being in a can hearing my own echoes, drives me crazy because I can’t connect to my group anymore. I still cling to hope to finally transcend upward from the forest floor or city street – hoping somebody will hear me and you guys have. Thanks –

  5. John Herzog said:

    When I was 22 I had the memory and history of a 22 year old. I’m getting close to being 3 times older than that now and I have 3 times as much life and memory and history to filter through. 3 times as much history to inform me and take up my consciousness.

    HaiR was a lovely, exciting, stimulating part of my life and thanks to the invention of the internet it has come back to be a part of it again, but it exsists amidst three times as much of me as it originally did.

    So Lyle, I guess my point is I get here when I can and I’m sure that’s the way it is for others. It was good to see you at the reunion and know that you are keeping the light of peace alive in the universe.

    Mahalo, bro!


  6. Martin said:

    Lyle – you are not alone and shouldn’t feel so – there are still people here responding to you, and this thread is developing …
    I have an interest in the dynamics of weblogs and discussion groups (my day job is in learning technologies) and if anyone is interested in reading a comparison of their relative merits there is an interesting discussion at
    Great video from Paul .. must have been a wonderful moment
    Lancaster UK

  7. Paul Korda said:

    Thanks Martin, I’m glad you liked the video. I was beginning to wonder if it expressed the worthy nature of the event, as I haven’t had any comments on it. I’ll be the first to admit that doing a live voiceover while filming is not my speciality, so the commentary became a little repetitive. I’ve only just set up the process of filming, transferring file formats and editing, and before the Reunion I had never done it before.
    So hearing that you liked the video, made my day. Thanks

  8. John Herzog said:


    Just viewed the video. Thanks so much for creating it and sharing with all of us. It’s wonderful that with the younger tribes poping up we will be able to continue the message and pass it along to newer generations.

    There is reason to hope.


  9. Paul Korda said:

    Thanks John, your comment is much appreciated and your hope for the future is amplified.

  10. Lyle said:

    Life is fast…life is good.
    Times are rapidly approaching
    Moments are fleeting
    Memory, I think I should…

    Where are my friends, who touched my heart?
    Here and there, minding their own
    And days that give no credence
    Alarms sound, you are smart.

    Where days dissapear behind a veil
    I saw your face as you appeared
    Squarely planted – not yet sure
    Commence the ritual; find that nail…

    No other self is righteous
    Not even your mind
    Giving your time
    Exclude the mighty monotonous

    But to you, oh! saviors
    Long last the vogage into the seas
    Most memorable are our tasks
    You kept at it, our own endeavors.

  11. JooleeWMcKay said:

    Maybe one of the reasons that some people don’t post is that they become frustrated with the technology. I tried and tried to log on using the name I always used JulieWinnMckay and the same password. Well, I could’t do it. I was locked out somehow. So I changed my name and was given a new password. Here I am again!

    Just to say….
    …so much love, long wished-for embraces
    and familiar yet older faces.
    with all my insides out that night
    no vigilance, only compassion’s right
    mahalo, mahalo from deep within
    for all we are — and all we’ve been.

    Julie Winn McKay

  12. Paul Korda said:

    Hi Joolee,
    I had exactly the same problem. Finally I contacted Nina and she went into the programme and set my password. I’m still unable to link my name to my site or start a subject.
    So that’s why I want to thank Lyle for his comment on Google for the Hair Reunion 2006 video. It’s getting alot of views and in the last few days it has moved up the rankings quite dramatically.
    By the way I really enjoy reading poetry on the Hair blog. Thanks

  13. Mike Blaxill said:

    one thing i discovered is the user name is case sensitive – hope that helps

  14. Lyle said:

    Thank you all for the positive posts. It really means a lot to me that we can express our feelings, thoughts, hopes and maybe ways to lessen each others hopefully temporary despair.

    Peace, and Aloha in The Ultimate Embrace of Love.

  15. JooleeWMcKay said:

    Thank you.

    If we could truly achieve ‘Peace and Aloha in the Ultimate Embrace of Love.’

    IF we could — as a group of enlightened ‘flower children’ of all ages — come together, as one, and not give up the fight, then there might be a chance for ‘human-kind’ and the universe to survive.

    Think Back. Learn Something.

    The energy at the old Aquarius, during the October reunion, was so visibly powerful I think, if we had wanted to — or tried — “we” could have accomplished almost anything that night. We were ONE. Remember? How could we forget?

    I don’t want to abandon the dream we once shared. I’m certain the creator is asking us — through Michael — ‘continue the work.’

    We must keep on keepin’ on… continue to communicate, and dream, and help one another in any way we are able and keep the ‘message’ alive.

    I love you all. So, when do we do it again?


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