Democracy Now: Inquiry Into the Murder of Journalist Syed Saleem Shahzad May Implicate Pakistan Intelligence Agency

<a href=””>DN had on Ali Dayan Hasan</a>, Senior Researcher for Human Rights Watch, and check it out as he tiptoes around some 911 Truth themes ..

<blockquote>What [murdered Pakistani journalist Saleem Shahzad] basically concentrated a lot on were links between Pakistani intelligence and military on the one hand, and elements of al-Qaeda and Taliban on the other .. And [Pakistani intelligence] had a particularly bad month in May with the discovery and killing of Osama bin Laden ..  If they didn’t know he was there for five years they were incompetent. If they knew that he was there for five years they were complicit. If they didn’t know that he was there and they didn’t know that the CIA had set up a station and was actually spying on this man whom they suspected to be bin Laden for a year they were doubly incompetent.</blockquote>

drip, drip, drip – mab .. <a href=””>watch video</a>



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