[Mb-civic] Families Fill Cindy's Shoes

Democrats.com activist at democrats.com
Fri Aug 19 20:06:32 PDT 2005

Families Fill Cindy's Shoes

While Cindy cares for her mom in Los Angeles, the military parents who joined Cindy in Crawford held their own press conference today to tell George Bush that they want answers, too.

"Mr. President, we are here outside your ranch, and we are staying here. We Gold Star Families, MFSO and Iraq vets will remain encamped here until you meet with us - because we all deserve answers. Tell us - what exactly is this noble cause?"
- Mimi Evans, whose son is deploying to Iraq within days

Read Crawford Updates here: http://crawfordupdate.blogspot.com/

Urge Bush to Meet with Cindy (and the other parents!)
Bush hopes the American people (and the media!) will lose interest in Cindy. Let's keep the pressure on Bush!

Do You Remember When Network Anchors Reported Stories on Location? 
Ask them to go to Crawford to witness Cindy making history:

Tell Us Where Your Representative Stands on Barbara Lee's Resolution of Inquiry

In the past month, many of you have asked your Representative to co-sponsor Barbara Lee's Resolution of Inquiry (H.Res 375) for Congress to investigate the Downing Street Memos.

Thanks to your hard work, there are now 44 co-sponsors. 

But what about all the other Representatives? Why haven't they signed on as co-sponsors? Please call your Representative's Washington Office (ask for him/her by name at 202-224-3121, or search by your address on the right side of http://usalone.com ) and ask for the Legislative Aide who handles international issues. Take good notes on your conversation and report back to us here: 


Urge Congress to Support Rush Holt's Resolution of Inquiry on the Outing of Valerie Plame

There are 76 co-sponsors on Rush Holt's Resolution of Inquiry on the Outing of Valerie Plame. This was a treasonous act by Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, and other top administration officials. After two years of lies, it's time for the administration to tell the truth!

View co-sponsors:

Sign a People's Petition for an Iraq Peace Process

Like Cindy Sheehan, we are tired of waiting for our troops to come home. We are tired of the bloodshed, tired of tax dollar waste, tired of torture cover-ups, tired of contractor scandals, tired of deceit and fabrication.

It is dishonest to admit there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, only to invent new reasons for inflicting mass destruction on that country.

It is dishonorable to fix the facts around the policy.

It is unacceptable to admit that going to war was a mistake, only to claim that the mistake must be perpetuated.

Sign a petition that will be delivered to Congress on September 15, 2005:

Plan for Massive Anti-War Mobilization in September
September 24-26: End the War on Iraq!
Three Days of Mass Action in Washington, D.C.

Contribute to AfterDowningStreet: 




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