Mercury Tour On Stage
page 4

NOTE: The 6 photographs on this page, all of the Yellow Shirt Scene, were taken at a different theater and performance than the rest of the Glenn Lucas photos, and features understudies for Woof and Claude. In addition, they give an excellent overview of the stage, showing how one could look off into the wings. The prop table, against the yellow wall, in actually off stage right. Note how the Tribe sits around watching the action, an intetegral part of Tom O'Horgans's staging.

Berger to Woof "Look! It's a Robert Hall original!" L to R: Woof (Steve Scharf), Berger (Rick Speigel), Sheila (Linda Gaines, and Claude (John David Yarborough).


"Berger, why are you so crazy?" Sheila (Linda Gaines) and Berger (Rick Speigel).

"You lie, lie, lie! You cheat, cheat, cheat! You won't let me have any fun!" L to R: Hud (Jerry Combs), Woof (Steven Scharf), Claude (John David Yarborough), Berger (Rick Speigel), and Sheila (Linda Gaines).

Berger (Rick Speigel) tears up the shirt, as Sheila (Linda Gaines) stands there, and Hud (Jerry Combs), Woof (Steven Scharf), and Claude (John David Yarborough) look on.

Sheila (Linda Gaines) picks up the pieces of the shirt as the introduction to Easy To Be Hard starts.

Photos copyright Glenn Lucas and The Hair Archives. All rights reserved.

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