Alumni Reunion at Westfest October 25

Westfest 40th Anniversary Woodstock Celebration is turning out to be quite the Hair reunion. It’s happening October 25th, in Golden Gate Park, and alumni of many Hair companies are gathering to perform, and to spend some time together. Here’s the web site for more info:



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2 Responses to “Alumni Reunion at Westfest October 25”

  1. jennyho said:

    Dear Hair family,

    Thank you, every one of you, for for being there for peace, love, and more love. I am proud of all of you.

    Can you imagine reaching an audience of 70,000 people without mics or music? Well, we did. The combined casts of “HAIR” Westfest 2009 did that!!!
    We accomplished that with the help of Walter Michael Harris,combined with courage and a message, a very strong message, that we will not give up on “Peace, Love, and Happiness” for the world. The audience, actually, moved up and in towards us supporting us in song with “Let the Sunshine In” and finishing with “We are the World.” How much better can that get? The message was felt both ways

    I enjoyed working with each of you. What a talented group and I can see why you were chosen to be a part of the “Hair” family. Imagine, over 40 years of spreading the message and, now, the young tribe members are helping us continue on. Incredible…

    With love and much respect,
    Jennifer Lee, San Francisco Hair ’69

  2. Mike Blaxill said:


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