MILITARY SALUTE – courtesy of Kiss

Gene Simmons like you’ve never seen or heard him before!

You know, in 1936 when Hitler came to power his propaganda machine put out music that was timed to the human  heart beat.

It was a stroke of genius-

Have you ever been to a football rally?  Same thing really-the music, the drums …it incites you.

I know we need the military.

It is, unfortunately, a necessary evil.  Always has been, always will be.

But I feel so sorry for kids who get caught up in the “patriotism’ of it.  When I see these ‘rallies, I immediately can see the maimed and wounded kids sitting in their wheel chairs or hobbling along without a pair of legs , or burned beyond recognition.


They believe, I mean really believe in the ‘cause’ of freedom and they convince themselves that what they are doing, that what they are joining, that what they are signing up for, is the right thing.

During the Vietnam war era, no congressman, or senator had a kid in the military. Interesting.

Wars are fought for the benefit of profiteers. 

As Eisenhower said in the 50’s :beware the military industrial complex”.

These kids, singing and getting all riled up, will be laying their lives on the line, not just for some illusion of freedom, but so Boeing, Lockheed Martin, BEA, General Dynamic and a host of others can make a profit.

Remember this: The job of the defense department of the United States is not to defend America.  It is to provide the illusion that America is defendable.

And as 9/11 showed us all too clearly…it is not…really.

What Freedoms are these kids protecting here is the US? They are about to lay down their lives in Iraq or Afghanistan or Iran or Korea or anywhere else on the globe.

All I know is that throughout history we have lined the streets singing and waving our flags and marching to the beat, as we send them off to experience the horrors of real war-the carnage, the terrifying reality that they will have to live with the rest of their lives.  And for what, I ask?  For what? So Gene Simmons and his band can sing to them?  So they feel they have done their part?

No-to me anything that in any way glorifies, supports or misrepresents what is really about to happen is wrong.  Dead wrong.




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