Regardless of Life Expectancy, People Today Are Metabolically Less Healthy Than Their Parents



This entry was posted on Saturday, April 13th, 2013 at 5:18 PM and filed under Food-related, Health, History. Follow comments here with the RSS 2.0 feed. Skip to the end and leave a response. Trackbacks are closed.

One Response to “Regardless of Life Expectancy, People Today Are Metabolically Less Healthy Than Their Parents”

  1. essie said:

    “Moreover, we have a bombardment of artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, emulsifiers, sweeteners that have saturated the food supply for more than four decades, increasing toxicity levels of cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, reproductive, and immune systems.

    Perhaps most worrisome is the medicalization of childhood which is leading us to illness if adulthood. If children cough after exercising, they have asthma; if they have trouble reading, they are dyslexic; if they are unhappy, they are depressed; and if they alternate between unhappiness and liveliness, they have bipolar disorder. While these diagnoses may benefit the few with severe symptoms, one has to wonder about the effect on the many whose symptoms are mild, intermittent or transient.”

    Additionally, we do not know how this is affecting the brain long-term. We could literally be creating monster-like behavior in humans. With technology over-kill, many corporations are working hard to make their human employees more-machine-like.

    Employees are required to speak from scrip as they are recorded. They are discouraged from any critical or creative thinking, no matter what, as it would vary from their scrip. Dehumanizing people for select political and financial gain is an extremely dangerous game to play. It can only end badly. As proof in so many cases, it is doing just that.

    Yet, because the creators of the food and drugs are the head money-Goliaths, no political force has the power to stop them. The majority people are so tired and distracted from just daily living, even if they are aware, most cannot add another fight to their already overloaded list of to-dos. This, I believe is part of the Goliaths master plan.

    The best way to destroy a business or individual is to first break them financially. Once indebted, one is more controllable. The insecurities resulting from indebtedness can keep one so mentally confused, and distracted, just putting out fires for basic survival, one has no energy to see the big picture. This same principle applies to a-society.

    The big picture which is really sad: those in power-Corporations and the government seem to be ignoring is that this same system works to destroy or bring down a country. The United States is on debt overload. Yet many people are being suppressed for “Select” control purposes, and the US, as a country, is extremely-distracted.

    The US corporate and government leaders seem to be also playing a very dangerous game. They seem to have the majority people where they want them for “Select” political and financial gain, however they appear not to be aware of the corner they have backed themselves into. Everything cannot be controlled and made right with war.

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