an opinion

Here’s a thought.
Since we will forever be at an impasse in regard to gun control in this country

Because Senators, congressmen and women are owned by the NRA (much like the mafia used to own judges)

Because these numbers represent gun deaths in the US from 1999 to 2011 representing 399,646 people
2011: 32,163
2010: 31,672
2009: 31,347
2008: 31,593
2007: 31,224
2006: 30,896
2005: 30,694
2004: 29,569
2003: 30,136
2002: 30,242
2001: 29,573
2000: 28,663
1999: 28,874

Because these numbers represent the total number of gun related homicides:

2011: 11,101
2010: 11,078
2009: 11,493
2008: 12,179
2007: 12,632
2006: 12,791
2005: 12,352
2004: 11,624
2003: 11,920
2002: 11,829
2001: 11,348
2000: 10,801
1999: 10,8286
1998: 9,257

Because In the United States, annual unintentional shooting deaths total

2011: 851
2010: 606
2009: 554
2008: 592
2007: 613
2006: 642
2005: 789
2004: 649
2003: 730
2002: 762
2001: 802
2000: 776
1999: 824

Because The asking price for an AK-47 pattern assault weapon in the United States is reported to be US $500

Because In the United States, the right to private gun ownership is guaranteed by law

Because In the United States, civilians are not allowed to possess machine-guns, sawn-off shotguns and rifles, silencers, and armor-piercing ammunition without appropriate registration

Because In the United States, private possession of fully automatic weapons is prohibited without appropriate registration

Because In the United States, private possession of semi-automatic assault weapons is permitted without a license in some jurisdictions

Because In the United States, private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is permitted without a license in some jurisdictions

Because In the United States, carrying a firearm in plain view in a public place is allowed with or without a permit depending on the jurisdiction, and prohibited in others

Because In the United States, carrying a concealed firearm in a public place is allowed with or without a permit depending on the jurisdiction, and prohibited in others

Because The buyer of a firearm in a private sale in the United States is not obliged to pass official background checks before taking possession

Because In the United States, the minimum wait for a lawful firearm purchase to be completed is undetermined in some jurisdictions

And Because despite the gallon of tears that have been shed for the innocent children of Newtown Ct, the mass murder at a movie theater in Colorado last July, the Sikh temple in Wisconsin in August, another at a manufacturer in Minneapolis in September—the NRA maintains a stranglehold on this government and the laws governing the ability to allow any maniac to get hold of a gun and open fire on innocent people.

Have you ever seen what a bullet does to the human body?

Have you ever seen the carnage left, the torn muscle, skin, the pools of blood, the shock and terror, the smell of gun power mixed with the smell of death? The screams of pain.

Because of all of this…..
I suggest that the NRA and its supporters are made to be held responsible..

If they are responsible for the promotion of the freedom to carry fire arms without regulations required to stop the insanity…they should be held responsible for the carnage.

How? Well, in this country it has always been, will always be, about the MONEY.

So, every time there is a shooting, every time, someone dies, every time someone in maimed, every time some lunatic opens fire-a $10 million fine to the NRA-the people who lead the charge.

The NRA wants guns on the street-Fine, they pay for that.
After all as the good ‘ol boys say, Freedom ain’t free!



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