Try this on: part 4

These stories raise several interesting questions:
In prehistoric times how in fact did the gods incorporate their ‘essence’ into ape females, a different species (but possibly the same genus), to create modern humans, as ancient texts have suggested?

How could gods and humans, of different but possibly similar species, marry and reproduce as suggested in Genesis?

Within historical times how did the AAs incorporate their ‘spirit’ into the prophets, humans again of a different but probably similar species?

How could the ancient ‘god-kings’ of Mesopotamia and Egypt marry their immediate family members, as custom required, and reproduce without apparent damage to the family gene pool?

Before speculating on how these things were done it will be useful to list some of the bioengineering methods in use at the present time:
IVF: In-vitro fertilization. Sperm and egg of the same species is fused in-vitro. The embryo is implanted in the uterus. A common method of treating infertility since the 1978 British ‘test tube baby’.

CSCT: Cross-species cell transfer (or nuclear transfer). An in-vitro fertilization in which a somatic (e.g. skin) ‘donor’ cell is fused in vitro with the ‘host’ egg of a different but similar species (but of the same genus). The embryo is implanted in the uterus of the host.

CCSCT: Cloned cross-species cell transfer. Same as CSCT except the egg is de-nucleated, resulting in a clone of the donor animal (although a small amount of DNA, in the mitochondria, always comes from the egg). This was the method employed by Advanced Cell Technology, Inc, to regenerate the recently extinct Asian Gaur using an ordinary cow as host (which died shortly after – darn!).

RDNA: Recombinant DNA. Since, in most cases, DNA cannot be transferred directly from one organism to another, in this technique a desirable DNA fragment, isolated from the animal ‘donor’ cell, is incorporated into the plasmid of a benign bacteria (the vector). The bacteria reproduces the fragment as a part of it’s own DNA, and the hybrid bacteria cells are injected back into the animal. This is currently the method of human ‘gene therapy’, but one would expect that the technique could also be used for cross-species cell transfer if the bacteria were benign to both species.

HESC: Human Embryonic Stem Cells. A human somatic cell is fused in vitro with a de-nucleated egg of a different species. “These differentiated cells began to grow as an embryo and then reverted to become embryonic stem cells, which can grow into virtually any type of tissue for transplant use”

So let’s speculate.

Zecharia Sitchin’s statement concerning the development of the Adam sounds like our current technique of cross-species cell transfer (CSCT), the ‘essence’ being DNA fragments (genes) which the gods wanted incorporated into the Ape woman’s egg. The resulting Adam, a hybrid like mules or hinnies, was sterile. Later on some procedure was employed to enable the “mixed creatures” to procreate.

Incorporating the “spirit” (certain traits or abilities) of the gods into the prophets, apparently a partial and selective reprogramming of the central nervous system, could have been accomplished via the technique of recombinant DNA.

Finally, the custom of the ancient ‘god-kings’ of Mesopotamia and Egypt of marrying their sisters and reproducing without apparent damage to the family gene pool would have been possible using the technique of cloned cross-species cell transfer (CCSCT) in the following scenario:

Harvest an egg from a human female and remove the DNA.
Collect a skin cell from a living god, or a deceased god whose cells have been preserved by freezing (or embalming?).

Fuse the skin cell and egg in vitro, and electrically stimulate the embryo to start dividing.

Implant the embryo back into the female, whose immune system will accept it.

If all goes well the human will birth a clone of the god. Now repeat the procedure using a skin cell from a goddess.

The cloned god-son and goddess-daughter would be totally genetically different, and could marry and reproduce without genetic damage or violating rules pertaining to incest. Furthermore, since the god-son and his mother are genetically different, they may marry, as was required in ancient Egypt, without violating taboos.

But what if the god and human are of a very different species, or even of a different genus?

That this is probable is evidenced by literature suggesting that some of the gods were frightful to look at, and took great care not to be seen by humans, except possibly by the highest priest:

– Concerning the appearance of (the angel) Eleleth. “…now as for that angel, I cannot speak of his power…No, truly, my mouth cannot bear to speak of his power and the appearance of his face.” (Robinson, 1978, “The Hypostasis of the Archons’)

– In the tale of the birth of Samson, the wife of Manoah says, “A man of God has come to see me, and His appearance was like the appearance of an Angel of God, very terrifying.” (Green, Jay, 1986, Judges 13:2-14) (This might have been an android).

– “Quetzalcoatl…only he, no other God, had a human body. He was ‘el hombre-dios’, the god made flesh, man embodied with divine spirit.”

– Fanged (Tlaloc) or grotesque (Xipe Totec – ‘The Flayed One’), the gods sometimes hid behind skins of flayed humans.

– “…now it is revealed to us concerning the race of the gods, and we confess it along with everyone else, that they have come into being out of a pure matter, and their bodies are heads only.” (Robinson, 1978, the Asclepius tractate, 21-29)

– “…they (the first male and female earthlings-Adam and Eve?) saw that they were naked, and they became enamored of one another. When they saw their makers, they loathed them since they were beastly forms.” (Robinson, 1978, “On the Origin of the World”).

In these cases probably the techniques of recombinant DNA or the generation of human embryonic stem cells was used. Scary as it sounds the “the hominid-animal mixtures” described by the Babylonian priest Berossus (Burstein, 1978) could have resulted from the modern human embryonic stem cells technique.

In fact when this experiment was announced two years ago by Advanced Cell Technology, biotechnology watcher Jeremy Rifkin strongly objected:

“They should never, ever have done this. We don’t know what kind of creature could develop from that.”
I think we now do know of at least one kind of creature that can “develop from that ” – the Adam!

In summary it appears that our current knowledge of animal biology and physiology permits a close understanding of how the gods might have accomplished their bioengineering feats.

Furthermore, since we are assuming that the gods had this ability millennia ago, it’s exciting to speculate concerning their current biotechnology. I suspect we would find it indescribable.

There is a point in history where mankind goes from being basically a stupid animal to being an intelligent human being. It happens all over the globe at a specific time and nobody know why?

It all of this any more crazy then the belief in men who part seas, walk on water or rise from the dead? Or the belief in angels and saints?

All heady stuff.

As far as I am concerned I believe in me, yoko and me.



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