You might be a New Ager if….

You might be a New Ager if….
you carry crystals on every part of your clothing – Including your belt buckle ! –
you feel that your illnesses are caused by the tanic possesion, Pranic dissonance, or an imbalance between Yang & Yin –
you name your child Aquarius Moonwind Morningstar Jonathan Livingston Seagull –
you have a PET named ” Karma – Ra – Rainbow Bodhi ”
you refer to said pet as your ” Animal Companion ” –
you practice Tai Ch’i & drink Chai Tea,
How do you tell a New Age witch from a NeoPagan Witch? You throw them both in the water. The NeoPagan Witch will float, whereas the New Age Witch will sink under the weight of all their overpriced crystals….

Q: How many yogis does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Into what?

If Martians live on Mars and Venusians live on Venus , who lives on Pluto ? Fleas

HOW THE TWELVE SIGNS DEAL WITH NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES: ARIES: “Who’s in charge here? I’d like to see God right now, please. Am I dead? Gee, I never thought that could happen to me! Where can I get a crystal palace backlit with white light like that one?”
TAURUS: Leaving the body, Taurus realizes that he or she no longer has a stomach and immediately returns to the body (thud!), without seeing tunnels, light, God, etc., making Taurus skeptical for the rest of his or her life.
GEMINI: The key thing to the zodiacal twins isn’t the experience itself, but how they can embellish it when telling the story (or writing about it). Since Geminis are comfortable in all worlds, except those without telephones, they usually bounce back to the body fairly rapidly– and the mouth tends to work before the rest of the body comes back to life.
CANCER: Cancerians can live to be 125 years old, and they don’t usually have near death experiences, but they can come awfully close to having a near life experience when they get brave and venture out of their house for “supplies.”
LEO: “Nooooooo, I am NOT dead. I am not, I am not, I am not . . . Who are those guys in the white robes? What’s that they’re singing . . . ? They’re off key. I can sing better than that! Where’s the choir director? I need a microphone immediately. Unless it’s Rolling Stone or Spin, hold my calls.”
VIRGO: Working a marathon 60 hours straight, Virgo collapses and leaves the body. She moves through that delightfully clean and sparkling tunnel of light, occasionally reflecting upon possible improvements . . . but soon becomes so worried by the thought of her loved ones “managing” without her that she snaps back into the body like white lightning, sits up, and calmly pronounces herself alive, glancing at her watch.
LIBRA: Floating out of the body, then in, then out, then in, and finally out again . . . Libra sees a tunnel and a vibrant being of light at the other end. “Wow, is that Jesus ? Wait a minute, maybe it’s Kwan Yin . That looks like something she’d wear.” Never deciding whether to go through the tunnel (after all, what’s death without someone to share it with?) Libra ends up back in the body by default, hounded by a mysterious compulsion to start a dating service for discarnate souls.
SCORPIO: Since most Scorpio’s have nine lives, they tend to brainstorm different ways to trigger the near death experience. Once nearly dead, most can barely get to the end of the tunnel without meeting some being with whom they have astral sex. When asked whom they prefer to greet them on the other side, 75% name a favorite vampire, and Medusa is a strong contender.
SAGITTARIUS: Sag floats out of her body and has to laugh at the stupid way she bought the farm. After somehow BREAKING the tunnel of light, she absolutely refuses to return to the body, since she’s been trying to get out of it for all these years (via clumsy accidents). Because Sag is immensely curious about whether the so-called organized religious have any validity at all, this stroke of luck leads to some amaaaaaazing lessons, until, alas, the astral folks tire of her and trick her into returning to Earth for the duration.
CAPRICORN: It might take Capricorn a little while to realize he is dead because there are special rooms set up to look like executive offices for newly-dead Goats. A sharp-looking, older gentleman-ghost comes in and gives Cap an instruction manual titled HOW TO PROFIT IN THE ASTRAL MARKETPLACE, plus a “job evaluation” type assessment of Cap’s achievements and mistakes over the lifetime, followed by a pink slip (meaning the body revived). Caps tend to return to their bodies quickly, unable to tolerate non-physical existence for long.
AQUARIUS: Aquarius gets to the pearly gates, sees that heaven isn’t run by consensus, and opts for hell, where at least there is an appealing anarchy and rules are made to be broken. Ironically, Aquarian near-death experiences tend to be extremely traditional, i.e., God the Father, St. Peter , the celestial choir and so on (another reason to rebel and opt for hell). Once in the underworld, they bedevil the hell out of Satan and his cronies with their loud and vigorous campaigns for progressive reforms, and are quickly expelled back to the body.
PISCES: For some reason, our Piscean friends barely notice their near death experiences. Instead, during a typical day at the office, many Pisceans report seeing beings with long-suffering expressions on their faces and who patiently tell the Piscean to go back to his or her body.

Aries: Anything, as long as it’s got a lot of energy!
Taurus: A turtle: it¹s slow-moving, doesn¹t need a lot of attention, and won¹t compete with its owner for food.
Gemini: A talking parrot; need I say more? Well, of course I do, but–
Cancer: Anything, as long as it needs to be nurtured
Leo: A big, bold, ferocious feline, as long as it doesn¹t compete with its owner¹s place in the sun.
Virgo: Let¹s see, I have to get up at 7:30 to feed it, let it out at 7:45, at 10:00 I need to go to the grocery store to pick up three cans of food, which will cost $3.86, including tax–
Libra: Hm, good question. One the one hand, a dog is active, affectionate, and companionable. On the other hand, a cat is pretty independent and won¹t require as much time and attention. Oh, I don¹t know. What would you do? Are you sure?
Scorpio: A cat. Secretive, mysterious, and unpredictable? What¹s there not to like?
Sagittarius: A horse, of course! Let¹s hope it¹s got enough stamina to keep up with me.
Capricorn: Do I have to pay for it?
Aquarius: A hamster. First, I¹ve got to set up a detailed cage with tubes going from here to here, and an energy sensor–they don¹t make anything like that? That¹s okay, I¹m sure what I come up with will be much better.
Pisces: Fish. When their owner forgets about them for weeks on end, they¹re easy to replace. If Pisces remembers to replace them…
Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died. — Steven Wright

He keeps shaking black crystal ball and says, “Ask again later.”
Every time you draw the Death card, she yells “Go Fish!”
Looks suspiciously like that guy who fixed your muffler last week.
His idea of an “out of body experience” involves whipped cream and women’s clothing.
His spoon bending requires two pliers.
Sign in window: “As Seen on ’60 Minutes.”
During card-reading, asks if you want to “hit” or “stand.”
Insists that your astrological sign is “The Armadillo.”
Psychics Magazine rates her just below fortune cookies, just above your mom.
Shakes her crystal ball, then predicts a large snowstorm.

Two psychic healers meet in the street – “You’re fine – how am I?”



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