[Mb-hair] Whereinthehell is Tioga?

tiogajoe at juno.com tiogajoe at juno.com
Tue Jan 31 14:08:43 PST 2006

Howdy Podnuhs,

Apparently, I'm back.

Providing, that is, that you have even noticed I haven't been around lately, that is, ... well, sorry 'bout that, Kids.  Been on a walkabout of sorts, I reckon you can say (something ol' Tioga Joe is known to be prone to do).  I've even been kicked off the List a couple of times for having a mailbox so full that the HAIR List postings got bounced back to the sender once too often.

Well, you know, been busy and all that ****, saving the world and what not.

Anyway, apparently, I'm back on with you, the Cyber Tribe, so, I'll try to pitch in something worthwhile now and zen again (and forgive me for not replying to any queries I might have received during this hiatus -- I've got, like, a couple of month's worth of digest postings I received before getting the boot that I have yet to look at -- but plan to ... eventually -- all in good time).

So, at any rate, er, ... oh yeah!  Happy Groundhog's Day!!!!



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