[Mb-hair] Gate HAIR report

Michael Butler michael at michaelbutler.com
Sun Sep 25 11:30:15 PDT 2005

------ Forwarded Message
From: ocsomtan at aol.com
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 18:52:42 -0400
To: michael at michaelbutler.com
Subject: Re: Hair #2

No, that's the thing -- sometimes it was so different, it made me laugh --
there was real originality there, but it wasn't HAIR.  It was the piece
formerly-known as-HAIR-aspiring-to-be-RENT -- But did you know "Oprah" is
the Tourist Lady?  That "Hair" is sung to her cameras? -- That there is no
nude scene is Act 1 (but rather a nice rip off of RENT's candlelight vigil
in it's place?); however, there IS a nude scene after Woof's "Mickie Jag"
speech?  [Incidentally, why does this generation have such lumpy bodies?
And why do they insist upon taking it off when there's nothing -- or rather
, too  much -- to see?]  Oh, and Woof has a tattoo H.I.V.I.P across chest!
"My Conviction" has been cut; "Dead End" has been cut.  "Sheila" is Asian
and wonderful.  "Jeanie" has been rewritten so no one (except me, when I
played her in Paris wearing flippers), could get a laugh!  -- She can really
sing, and she only miscarried twice!  "Hud" is a woman, and she should have
kept her clothes on!
There is no war sequence.  "What A Piece of Work" is a duet for "Berger" and
"Claude" who seem to be at each other's throats for most of the piece, so
it's weird.  Oh, they also get to banter "To be or not to be" back and
forth.  I laughed when "Berger" went into "nymph"...but, it's a very "in"
joke -- "Ham" tells "Ophelia", "nymph in thy orisons be all thy sins
remembered."  -- I guess the BRits are more likely to get it -- but I was
the only one laughing.
I'll have to talk to you about this -- the rewrites are one thing, and the
directing another.  The cast is more-than-willing -- but why?
"White Boys" was sung by "Hud" about "Berger" and two others in bondage.
We shoudl speak about this -- it has been more than an eye openeer -- and
yes -- I got a program for Miss Nina's archives.

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