[Mb-hair] what about mandatory forgiveness, or peace?

Katie Kasben katiekasben at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 19 20:20:19 PDT 2005

Dear Jim,

i don't think war can ever be "mandated"...but unfortunately I don't have a 
solution that would work within our Western school of thought.

is it optimism, complacency, naivete, or arrogance that keeps humans from 
'preventative medicine'?

mein kampf, PNAC, the treaty of Versailles... did anyone read those?

I desperately wish we could stop the vitriol espoused in the current 
Madrasas...I also wish we had not supported those same "fundamentalists" 
when Afghanistan was fighting the Russians.
I wish there was no "School of the Americas"  ...
there is a lot I wish.

When I went to Saigon and saw a picture of a G.I. holding the heads of two 
Vietnamese, with his foot on three other heads...my first thought (just for 
an instant) was, yes- fury...but then the most incredible sadness and pity 
that anything could ever happen to make a person do that to another human 
being.  That is the sickness in my heart.  not to stop war with more killing 
or "taking out" madrasas, but to start seeing brothers and sisters on our 
very small planet.

i understand your sentiment.  there is no easy answer, nor will their ever 
be one simple solution.
my heart aches for anyone affected by war, in any way.  maybe it is too 
late, maybe killing is all that's left as an option...but maybe it's not.

Peace, love and very much hope,


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