Barbara Siomos barbarasiomos38 at webtv.net
Tue Oct 26 12:17:47 PDT 2004

Oh Michael thank you....words spoken....so true..wake up world. :-)

peace love and more.
>Date: Tue, Oct 26, 2004, 12:04pm (EDT-3) 
>From: Michael Butler
><michael at michaelbutler.com> 
>To: Subject: [Mb-hair] EMAIL WITH A FRIEND

Were we not lucky to have lived in that era? Notwithstanding the
circumstances, Warfield or whatever, I hate to say it, sounds like an
old saw but things were better those days for everyone. Now where and
how do we go? Spirituality is the only future and that wont come from
religion. God or the Gods are playing too many tricks. It can only come
from within. We had a chance in the 60's and we were not strong enough
to overcome the dark forces. Now they seem to be on both sides of the
aisle. I have great fear for the kids and more so for my grandchild.
What a bleak future they are facing. We need to continue to try to right
this boat. The important things are family and friends, the more the
better. Compassion is the keyword, so abused by our our current
president. Let us hope the next one does show that peace and love are
the only objectives that will work.
>Don Miguel, 
Ah, Warfield. What a wild (and well managed) place! I remember bringing
the Bauls of Bengal there one dark winter night for one of your
soirées and your butler -- suspicious of these dark skinned joyous
eyed Bengalis in their lunghis, sandals and Marks and Spencer overcoats
-- fed them in the kitchen. They then made their music and blew everyone
away. If I remember, George and Patty Harrison gave me a ride home that
night to Wentworth where I was staying with Don'o(van). Those were the
days, eh? Don't envy you living in America now in that cyclotron of fear
spawned spin, altered perceptions and partisan vendettas. Against the
greater reality, it's all so petty. Everyone is bending the facts and
objective truth is the victim. Instead of facing the music, Lib and Con
alike are feeding the cacophony. Everyone is too soft and comfortable
and ignorant of the greater world. It doesn't matter who the president
is to the Middle East, they're on their own fools ride of denial and
destruction. That clock's been ticking for centuries and the chimes are
deafening. The next decade is going to be helter-skelter to say the
least. Antonio

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