[Mb-civic] michael wants you to see this - "Ground Control To Mr. Bush"

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Fri Jan 21 22:14:04 PST 2005

Re: michael wants you to see this - "Ground Control To Mr. Bush"


"The time for playing nice with corporate outsourcers and their enablers in
government is over. Congress must repeal Permanent Normal Trade Relations
with China and develop trade policies that protect and create good-paying
jobs in America. We must create a noise so loud that even the president
hears it."

The centuries-old Traditional everlasting everpresent endless and ongoing
Kickbacks, Perks and Favors to members of Congress is so vast that they
became permanently deaf long long long long - long ago.  It appears the only
alternative is to do how the Indians did in that movie "Little Big Man" to
Custer, jab their eardrums open with a stick so they will be able to hear
better in the next world.  The only problem we have now is luring their now
historically nefarious entire vast anti-civlization anti-human social,
military, political, and economic machiavellian power machine overobviously
born from the lake of fire itself to Little Big Horn.

I realize you write for Truth Out? (fact check, lol) and are simply
delivering a message, and it's right on track, however, instructing Congress
to "repeal permanent normal trade relations with China" is akin to trying to
instruct a flea in the zen aspect of the martial arts while it is busy
f*cking an elephant and having the time of its life.

As a "message to the public", it is, as is with most current American
journalism, right on the money, as a "message to the President, Congress,
Etc", they stopped listening long ago.

I'm simply waiting for American journalism to figure that out.  Apparently I
have quite a long wait ahead of me.


- Where have people been all this time..?  They auctioned off America long
ago.  This is merely all bookkeeping from here on out.  Try to understand
the various individual movements of Fascism and Special Interests the next
time you see them.  Oh.  Nevermind.  There is no next time.  This was it.
You missed the entire show.  Glad to see you showed up though.  That and a
nickel will get you the greased up pig behind the wh*rehouse in Guadalajara.


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