[Mb-civic] michael thought you would like this site.

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Sat Feb 12 23:51:51 PST 2005

Re:  michael thought you would like this site.


Changing Minds, One at a Time
By Howard Zinn
The Progressive

Good article.  Excellent points.

One, =personal= Desire, however, would be not only for individuals to
"change some minds" by "talking to friends, coworkers, writing newspapers,
calling in to talk shows etc" to enable people to be able to make a
comparison between Actual Reality and the Propaganda that governments,
militaries etc's spew forth, by simply getting a simple little thing called
"Information" to them which has been, currently is, and will continue to
basically be "Censored For Truth Parts" before presented to them by, again,
governments, militaries, medias, etc's.

But to also reach them MORE than just "one mind at a time".

In this day of Information Mis-Manipulation, Disinformation, Misinformation,
Censoring, Stamping Things Classified, Just Not Reporting Them, and Opting
For Jo Jo The Seal Instead Of Crying Bloody Babies Beside Their Dead Parents
on Front Pages and Prime Time News Stories, WE NEED CASH,

Let me repeat it again for the hard of hearing.

WE NEED CASH, SON........................!!!!!!!

We (Reality) need MILLIONAIRES.  We need BILLIONAIRES.

THOSE are the people who can reach TONS of people ALL AT ONCE, by simply
buying a little thing called AIR TIME or A FULL PAGE AD or ETC.

The bottom line:  One mind at a time is good.  I'll admit that.  There may
not be any other way without the cash flow of millionaires and billionaires
donated to Informing The Public of Their Own Business, which is no longer
considered a necessity by Governments, Militaries, Medias, Etc.

But at the rate of "one mind at a time", we will see Fruitful Positive
Constructive Social Change in about the year 2300 A.D.

They will have most of us in little camps LONG before that, kid.

Sure, yep, I'll agree, talking with coworkers, friends, neighbors, writing
newspapers, calling in to talk shows, etc, good good good, grass roots,
necessary, only tool hanging on the wall of the barn rather.

However, if you could get a handful of millionaires (or billionaires) to
even just LOAN you several million dollars, you could put them in a CD (or
something), and off the Interest generated alone, you could change the face
of the world with simple Air Time.

Mass Air Time is your weapon of choice, not one mind at a time, which is
your current weapon available.

Please click on the "MILLIONAIRES" button, reset your computer, and come out

One Hundred Million Minds at a time.

Thank you for playing the game of Death.



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