[Mb-civic] ENOUGH hippie bashing, goddamnit!!!

Mike Blaxill mblaxill at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 28 10:15:57 PDT 2005

This is a Dairy from "Charleslives" at Daly Kos -
amen brother!


ENOUGH hippie bashing, goddamnit!!!
by Charleslives
Sat Aug 27th, 2005 at 17:48:24 PDT


I was silent when Kos started this shit because
the whole "hippie" meme is well in the past and
the remnants of that movement are merely an empty
shell of what was happening then, plus he wasn't
even CONCEIVED at the time, let alone a witness.
What would he know?

I remained silent as the piling on started. Makes
no difference to me, really. I was there, I saw
it. I know damned well what happened.

But then I read lestatdelc's diary Saturday
evening. "The ugly reality of hippies..." Where
he essentially says that john kerry "had far more
impact in swaying people that the Vietnam War was
wrong and we needed to get out ASAP than
`hippies'...because of his background, because of
his demeanor, because of his approach, because of
they way he presents."

And that did it for me.

Read on.

    * Charleslives's diary :: ::

I got news for ya. EYEWITNESS news, I was there.
In Cambridge. In Chicago for the convention. On
the Lower East Side. For many years.  And I am
STILL there, although I don't run that "hippie"
game on people. (Old news dies young....)

john kerry barely EXISTED in the consciousness of
America at the time. Lestatdelc got his
impressions from what he read and was told by the
kerry campaign, I am willing to bet. He got them
from the same place that Kos got his. From
corporate, media-generated revisionist history.

And if he WAS there...he missed the whole thing.
(Lots of people did...all safe, all locked up in
their own heads. In their own position. In their
own privilege.)

"During the Vietnam War, John Kerry had far more
impact in swaying people that the Vietnam War was
wrong and we needed to get out ASAP than
"hippies" even within the same Veterans Against
the War group did."



I must have been living in a different country.

Because I don't even REMEMBER kerry from that
period. Hardly remember the Veterans Against the


Dylan. Tom Hayden. Malcolm X. Abbie Hoffman.
Muhammad Ali. Joan Baez. John Lennon. Paul
Krassner. Jimmy Breslin., Norman Mailer. William
Burroughs. Underground newspapers by the
hundreds.  A thousand THOUSAND freaks of all
varieties saying "HELL no. We won't go.!!!" All
OVER the media. All OVER the minds of the people.
All over the DEMOCRATS, eventually.

And many of us did NOT go. WOULD not go. We knew
what was happening out FRONT. kerry didn't. He
went, so he's a HERO!!!??? That's why he went
down in 2004. He was too dumb, too insulated by
his own privilege during the Vietnam War to
figure out what millions of us knew on the natch.
Millions!!!.That the Vietnam War was wrong wrong
wrong. Morally AND strategically. And his
privilege blinded him to that until he went under
fire. THEN he wised up. A little. A foxhole
conversion. And came home and assumed his
rightful place as a rich Yalie white boy child of
privilege. At the front of the line where he just
KNEW he belonged. Leading the proles to safety.
Looking all soulful and posing for the cameras in
his fatigues. Talking all Harvard and Yale to the
select committees that were the same then as they
are now. Full of shit. And then he went into
politics. The rich boy's game, ESPECIALLY in
Massachusetts. Cut his hair. Married well
(TWICE!!!) and financed his career. Right to the
top!!!. And then he was once again too dumb in
2004 to realize what millions of us ALSO knew
then. Too insulated. That the Rats have to be
faced down every time they try to run a Rat move.
And that, just as in the '60s, the war was wrong
wrong wrong wrong wrong. Morally, strategically
and tactically as well. Only he DIDN'T wise up
this time because no one was firing at him. Not
bullets, anyway. So he lost. All Harvard and Yale
even in defeat. "It's just a GAME, fellas.
Harvard wins one year, Yale the next. I'm off to
Gstaad for some skiing. Maybe a blue ribbon tour
of the safer areas of Iraq while I'm at it.
Better luck next year. Too bad about Ohio. Tally

While the foxes he was SUPPOSED to have been
hunting guarded the chicken coop yet again.

Fox News Flash: "Kerry Concedes!!! And now the

And lesatatdelc has the GALL to write this

And all of these supposed "liberals" here GO FOR

Man...THAT'S fucked up.

Makes me madder than hell.

And I'm not going to take it anymore.

Without the youth movement of the `60s and
`70s...we would have had this right wing
media-fascist government 30 years EARLIER.

This very blogosphere upon which we all so sagely
write would have been nipped in the bud. Before
it got too dangerous.

ENOUGH of this hippie bashing.

Wise up.

Sure.,..it's over. Now.

Honor thy ancestors.

Y'might learn something.


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