[Mb-civic] Cindy Sheehan Leaves Crawford etc.......

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Sat Aug 20 20:32:53 PDT 2005

Re:  Cindy Sheehan Leaves Crawford etc.......

her mother had a heart attack...simple as that-no conspiracy here, just a
heart attack.
She will be back-she won't camp in the ditch anymore, then off to the White
House to protest.  Why is there doubt here?

If you're asking why is there "possible doubt" about her mother's "heart
attack" (I heard it was a stroke on the news, one presumes there is a
difference), am I really supposed to sit here and crank out about 5 pages of
information, facts, etc that deal with people falling over dead both
domestically and abroad at the hands of various American and other factions
all throughout history..?  I hope not.

Even you yourself have once remarked that some people believe this might
even be something like a sub-level of Hell itself or something.

Stranger things have indeed happened than one entity or another giving a
family member a stroke to eliminate the presence of someone that is in their

You'll have to at least admit that.

Geez, people like the CIA **ETC** have so many neat weapons, chemicals, etc,
they could ace anyone off the planet by just mildly brushing their skin with
one of several concoctions.

And, now, unless all that stuff about "Directed Energy Weapons" or somesuch
that appeared in the NYTimes, LATimes, Chicago Tribune, etc, describing
things "The Government, Military, Etc" have had for a while which they can
point at anyone and put thoughts into their skull, make the water boil under
their skin, just eavesdrop on them, or make their internal organs go
pitty-pat to whatever rhythm they wish until they explode, is just a bunch
of hooey, we are not dealing with "vast unprovable conspiracy theories" at
play on this planet, but abject reality that vast weapons of mass and
individual destruction remain in the hands of a bunch of Psychotics who
continue to lie that they are "looking out for our best interests" at this
exact moment in time.

Moscow themselves ordered a mere 100,000 of the devices when they finally
came on the market.

So, knowing what I know about this planet, and various people on this
planet, and various weapons on this planet (the ones that are not
permanently stamped Top Security Secret), just from Mainstream Media
newspaper accounts alone over say the last half century, is it really
farfetched to believe that the possibility exists that some of these
mass-murdering creeps would target a little old lady in Pasadena or
somewhere for some obscure reason like her daughter sitting down the road
from the President's ranch building a coalition of resistance to the tyranny
that has existed in America for almost forever...?

To me, personally, not at all.

Sure, it could have just been a "natural occurence" (whatever the fuck that
means in a multi-dimensional existence) as so many other things are presumed
to be the exact same thing, yet that still does not rule out the possibility
of foul play which is *surely* within the reach, capabilities, and will of
so many shitheads at the top of the authoritarian etc pecking order in this
and other countries.

"Why is there doubt here....?"

The reason we remain centered in a pile of shit as far as the affairs and
life conditions for so many people in this world remains that too many
people have never stopped to doubt a g*dd*mn thing to begin with, but just
accepted *everything* at Face Value as it was presented to them on a silver
platter, with compliments of The House of course.

People are so f*cking naive (or forgetful) sometimes it seems when it comes
to the actual
capabilities of destruction that governments, militaries, secret polices etc
possess, and their will to practice their capabilities

There are about 330 Million people in America.  Wouldn't it be nice to be
able to review all the government, military, secret police, etc files that
murderous deadbeats at The Top whose salaries we continue to pay, that have
been stamped Secret, National Security Secret, Top Secret, Etc, and sealed
away for the next 2 gazillion years just to see what they have been up to
all this time as they keep promising everyone that they are looking out for
our best interests honest.......?

Of course it would.

But there are about 329,990,000 who will never see any of it.


It is ***FORBIDDEN***.

These people would kill half of us if they had the chance just for the fuck
of it if they could, and you fucking know it.

And they have all the technology etc to easily do it with if they chose to,
and you know that also.

Half of us would die in our sleep and the coroner would put down "Natural
Causes" as the reason, and nobody would ever be the wiser.

Or even doubt.  For a second.


In this Day and Age....?

Doubt about anything...?

Knowing who they are, what they can do, what they have done, and what their
actual capabilities are of doing just about anything they want to to anyone
they choose to do it to.....?

Surely you jest.

Ok, but sure, I'll play along, Cindy Sheehan's mom just had a plain old
ordinary stroke, nobody else was involved, there is no conspiracy, and
nobody would attack an old lady in Pasadena to begin with to get rid of her
daughter a mile away from the President's ranch sitting there forming a
coalition of protest against the mighty powers of one of the deadliest
Psychotic regimes ever to run America straight into the ground and hell.

And John Kennedy was shot by a lone gunman from a book depository.

Ok, sure, I'm now seeing how it all ties so neatly together.

Doubt is for suckers.



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