[Mb-civic] Heresy As A Political Weapon

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Sat Nov 27 02:02:45 PST 2004

Heresy As A Political Weapon

It's interesting, sometimes.  Times never seem to change.  They just 
rearrange the scenery.

 From the "Persecution By Christians" section of Bede's Journal:




In the end the Roman Empire was not converted at the point of a sword but 
rather because quite soon anyone who wanted to get anywhere had to be a 
Christian and hence people lost little time in becoming one. This was 
partly because most pagans were happy to become nominal Christians and 
unlike earlier martyrs did not feel that any faith was worth dying for.

In that month of June during that persecution, pagans were arrested and 
paraded around. Their books were burnt in the ring for animal shows 
together with pictures and statues of their loathsome gods.

("We're bigger than Jesus Christ." - John Lennon)

Christianity was introduced to act as a unifying force in an increasingly 
fragmented Empire. This meant that it immediately became a political matter 
and indeed it was politically important that Christianity was itself 
united. The idea of religion as civic duty was handed down from centuries 
of pagan practice while Emperor Julian had already seen that the monolithic 
Christian creed had a marked advantage over his disparate pagans whom he 
had tried to reform.

Luckily for the desired unity, orthodoxy had been fighting heretics for a 
couple of centuries already and with the full might of the Imperial state 
behind them, they took this battle to its conclusion. In general, during 
the fourth and fifth centuries, the argument was reasonably civilised but 
from time to time violence erupted or official coercion was used. Later on, 
methods became steadily more severe as heresy came to be seen as a cancer 
at the heart of society until even the accusation of heresy could be used 
as a political weapon. If you want to find evidence of Christians 
destroying manuscripts then it is here you should look.

I just thought it was funny that if you weren't with them, you were crap, 
and they killed you, lol, and that instead of burning things today, they 
just stamp them "Classified" and nobody can ever see them again.

This remains a problem with false prophets in positions of authority.

Or even bad people at the reins of America.

"The full might of the Imperial state behind them..."

This should be interesting, lol.

What a spectacle things have become.

Like walking onto a dance floor into the arms of the love of your life who 
is smiling and also knows it's Kismet, but you completely overlooked you 
have a soggy Wheatie stuck in one of your nostrils.

What does one do in such situations of phenomenon bullshit..?

It's like they've legalized the days of Hoover and McCarthy.

It never stops, domestic, foreign, geez, where is sanity..?

One big long line of bullshit.  Everyone's standing in lines.

Howard Beale was right.

This is like "Network 2: The Sequel - The Whole Enchilada".

"Religion as a civic duty...".  I'm still for separation of church and 
state, not kissing Bush & Gang's butt, not kissing the Pope's ring, and 
still think Howard Beale should be President, or something...

Truth has become a listless non-commodity, it's supreme value only briefly 
witnessed anymore inbetween soft breaths blowing out birthday candles.

It's a madhouse.

I'm suing The World.

That's the only rational way to take it back.


- Global Lawsuit:  You're either A Human or one of them.


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