[Mb-civic] p.s: Re: Ire To The Chief

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Fri Aug 6 22:08:55 PDT 2004

p.s.:  Re:  Ire To The Chief

Gary Alan Fine wrote:

"Anyone who hobnobs with progressives knows by now that a fair proportion
of these bright and articulate Americans hate George W. Bush. They abhor
him. The embrace of Bush hatred has even appeared in otherwise sober
journals of opinion such as the New Republic. Why? How is it that so many
thoughtful people hold a belief that is surprising -- and troubling -- to
the vast majority of Americans?"


It also has something to do with that this particular phase of our 
Government, Leaders, Etc, is so easy to knock off as being nothing less 
than Pure Crooks.

And more and more people are seeing it.

First something's wrong with the 2000 election.  Wait a minute..!!  Let's 
ask questions..!!  This doesn't seem right for some reason...!!  Then 911 
happens.  And everybody and their rabbit was asleep at the wheel.  People 
ask more questions.  And the litany of occurences and data goes on and on 
and on.

And the more questions the more people have been asking, the less they like 
the answers.

It's now just so very easy to see the vast amount of corruption etc at work 
in so many various branches of our "government" happening these days, that 
it's hard to ignore and put a smiley face on anymore and just "blindly 
trust whoever's at the reins" of our Country, Democracy, and People.

The resources are going, people are starting to notice.  The news around 
the world about so many things continues to get worse not better.  Wages 
stay the same.  Food, fuel, etc, continues to rise.

It's a particularly outlandishly interesting vergence of the culmination of 
so many years of graft, corruption, lying, and treason to America & 
"Abroad" finally coming to the surface, after all this long time, like 
cream to the top of a butter churn, that even the children are starting to 
take notice.

Bush is no more than a continuance of these many many eons of America Etc 
getting screwed by *Our Own Guys At The Top*.

People are beginning to wake up again.  Very slowly, unfortunately, but 
waking nevertheless.  Like they did in the "60's etc".  Except they're 
starting to see "some really really bad shit" coming to us in "the not so 
distant future" if the "Business As Usual" guys are allowed to and continue 
to "steer America" down the toilet like they have been forever and continue 
to this very moment.

Destruction of America came from within.

Al-Qaeda etc are mere minor players in the play.

People are so angry because they're finally beginning to wake up and 
realize it.  "All over again.....".

The very ineptness of a corrupt system was bound to catch up to itself 
eventually.  It was impossible to endlessly sustain such corruption without 
it eventually becoming noticed that True Leadership was Completely Missing 
from the helm of A Free Society full of Freedom-loving hard-working people 
who have been tired forever of being ripped off and conned by "Our Own 
People", who appear to have, out of everyone else in the world, turned out 
to be "The Worst Enemies America Ever Had".

Today is just another one of those days in a long string of them coming up 
somewhere in the future.....

Your Leaders have, again, ahem, betrayed you, and it's such a vast mess 
that the only real way out of it is a bonafide political revolution, but, 
alas, they seem to be all out of them at WalMart.

"Uncle Cheeseburger............!!"

"Yes, kids....."

"That was a good one, tell us another one...!!"

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed, you go to sleep too, I'll read you another 
one tomorrow night...".

"Ok, Uncle Cheeseburger...!!  You want a joint, Uncle Cheeseburger..??"

"No, I'm fine.  Night, kids......"

"Night, Uncle Cheeseburger..........."


"ffffffwwwwwssssshhhhhhh..."  (Jimmy inhaling....)  "Here (in a squeaky 
voice holding it in)... "

"Thanks...         fffffwwwwwwsssssssshhhhfffff..."  (squeaky 
voice)  "...this is good stuff........"  "fffwwwwwwwsssssshhhhhhhhh....."

"Oh, crap, Judi...!!     Oh, crap.....!!!!"

"What's wrong, Jimmy, what is it.  !!   What's wrong.....??!!"

"Oh, crap....!!   Oh, hell...!!   Oh, crap....!!   Oh, God...!!"

"What the hell is wrong, Jimmy.....!!"

"Oh, crap....!!      The ceiling is turning purple, Judi.....!!!!"

"........... The ceiling has always been purple....."

"Oh.....      Oh, yeah....     That's 
right....     ffffffwwwwwwsssshhhhhhfffff................. 




"Night, Judi......"

"Night, Jimmy........"


- Where has the sparrow gone now that I need its song.


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