Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Intelligent Design and Brokeback Mountain
These are two very hot subjects. They are related in that major controversies are involved in both cases.

The Dover School Board mandated that ID be taught in science classes. This was opposed by many parents as an infringement of their constitutional rights. They sued the school board.

Intelligent Design (ID) is the Trojan Horse of Creationism. Creationism is the fundamentalism position about how we, as humans, came about. It is directly opposed to the Theory of Evolution as proposed by Darwin. That theory is taught in the science class in schools. Creationism states that we were created by an Intelligent Designer and that was God. This theory has been continually proposed as a subject for school curriculum by fundamentalists. It has been turned down by countless court rulings as a violation of the first amendment of our Constitution prohibiting the establishment of a religion by the state.

Recently the Trojan Horse of ID was created to give another approach to the teaching of Creationism. The position is taken that in science classes ID should be proposed as an alternative approach to Darwin's evolution. This position has been proposed by our President Bush in his support of his political base of the religious right. His position is that ID is correctly taught as science.

The opinion of the District Court in Pennsylvania presided by Judge Jones has overturned the actions of the Dover School Board. It is interesting to note that prior to this decision by the court the voters of Dover voted the school board out of office. The opinion of Judge Jones is fascinating reading. My friend and consigliori George Milman sent me the opinion. As it is 139 pages long I hesitated to read it. He prevailed and I read it. Fortunately it is double spaced so half as long. I am glad I did. It taught me many things from both sides of the matter. I am going to send it in a separate attachment to the notice of this blog if you wish to read it.

Brokeback Mountain is another side of the coin of fundamental approach to questions facing us today. This film has caused great interest both pro and con. It has been nominated for seven Golden Globe awards. It has been criticized by the religious right. It is a love story of two cowboys who are thrown into a great quandary by their feelings for one another. It is set in the mountains of Wyoming. This is the state where Matthew Sheppard was murdered because he was gay. The film honestly portrays the problems caused by the lack of compassion for humans who are born with homosexual tendencies. With great taste the Director has shown the depth of feeling which same sex people may have for one another. It has some splendid performances, particularly by Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams. Actually the entire cast is of excellent actors.

I first went to see it it in NYC with Nancy Friday but it was sold out. I tried twice to see it in LA and again sold out. Finally with advanced booking got seats. Three days have passed since Tom Proprofsky (one of HAIR's great Bergers) and I have seen it. The audience was sold out with all ages and genders. At the end there was sober silence then there was great applause We talked on the phone and still have the film vividly in mind-particularly the end.

I do hope that Brokeback Mountain is shown in the Red states not just the Blue cities where it is being seen and discussed by many. It would open many minds. It is great film, do see it.

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The Season's Message
Want To Express It Again
Remarks for Friends of Conservation
Probably Our Major Problem Today
All In The Name You Give It
We All Have The Same Problems
Questions About HAIR
Fury, Rage, Sadness, Embarrassed, Ashamed
Answers for Simon
"But I Can't Make A Difference"

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