Wednesday, December 21, 2005
The Season's Message
I heard, on NPR, an interesting description. They were referring to those astronomical mobiles of the planets. They said that if the Sun was a bowling ball the earth would be a peppercorn. And it would be 78 feet away. A peppercorn-which made me wonder about the usual mention that a human being is like a grain of sand. That description needs to be considered an exaggeration. So what are we in relation to the peppercorn? Perhaps the entire population of the earth might be a grain of sand?

Population continues to explode more than the planet can easily handle. There is little concern expressed in political/religious circles that this explosive growth exists mostly in countries where they can least afford to adequately support such numbers. Such growth can almost be compared to cancer. Growth is also out of hand in weapons, corporations, viruses, genocide, global warming, the gap between the poor and the rich and so many other areas. In almost all areas one can mention the numbers seem out of control. Resources on the Earth are not infinite and we are consuming them at an unsustainable rate.

These problems create a feeling of unease amongst all of us. Something is wrong. What can be done about it? Our leaders are adrift in their inability to do anything except create fear. Fear is a great lever for control. People will do all most anything to have security from any type of fear whether it be physical, financial or spiritual. Too many in power pander to those concerns. Too few create a sense of hope. This has been missing since the murder of JFK. No matter his problems, warts and all, what he represented was Hope. The loss of that Hope was why so many cried that day.

Hope, that is what we want. Compassion, Friendship and Love are the key to solving any of these problems. I don't think there is anything we need to fear if we can work together as human beings to assist one another. Notwithstanding separate philosophies, religions, governments we have one thing in common, our humanness. If there is an Intelligent Designer, as many believe, he/she/it must have also been smart enough to create a way for us to coexist.

Compassion is the state of being in touch with the bright, beautiful and flawed nature of humanity. I am very fortunate to be in touch with you and for you to be in touch with so

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Want To Express It Again
Remarks for Friends of Conservation
Probably Our Major Problem Today
All In The Name You Give It
We All Have The Same Problems
Questions About HAIR
Fury, Rage, Sadness, Embarrassed, Ashamed
Answers for Simon
"But I Can't Make A Difference"
"God said it. I believe it. That settles it"

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