Leo Lunser & Judy Burnett's Reunion Photos
Page 2

Jim Rado, Walter Michael Harris, Papi Hunt, Keith Carradine

Bruce Eyster, Natalie Mosco, Joe Butler, Mary Lorrie Davis, Papi Hunt, Bill Swiggard

James Rado and James Pappaconstantine

Jim Rado, Leo Lunser, Michael Butler

Julie Arenal sings. Shelley Plimpton in lower left corner

Julie Arenal, Nina Machlin Dayton, Dale Soules, Bruce Eyster

L to R: Keith Carradine, Luther Creek, Jim Rado, Jim Burns, Martha Plimpton (Shelley and Keith's daughter), Shelley Plimpton's head.

L to R: Walter Michael Harris, Papi Hunt, Bill Swiggard, Robert Soler, Marge Gonzolez, Keith Carradine

Same as above with the addition of Corinne Broskette and an unknown man on the right.

Marc Cohen in foreground. Papi Hunt, Jessica Kluger Marciel, and Rhoda Seven talk in background

L to R: Suzie McNamara, Michael Butler, Robin McNamara, Maureen Harwood Yost

Michael Butler speaks to us. In background, L to R: Papi Hunt, Robert Soler, Marge Gonzolez, Bill Swiggard, Billy Miller

Michael Butler. In background Marge Gonzolez and Bill Swiggard

Debbie Andrews and Sibley Smith. In background, L to R: Mike Blaxill, Marc Weiss, Rosemary Weiss, Marjorie LiPari

Marjorie LiPari and Julie Arenal

Clockwise from lower left corner: Michael Butler, Heather MacRae, Joanne Harris, ?, Marjorie LiPari, Natalie Mosco

Papi Hunt. In background Lisa D'Eimon, Patric's wife.

L to R: Papi Hunt, Bill Swiggard, Robert Soller, Marge Gonzolez, Virginia Loving, Corinne Broslette, Ken Myers

Lydia Phillips (brown hair lower right corner), Michael Butler, Julie Arenla, Ellen Stewart, Larry Marshall, Marc Cohen, Tom O'Horgan, ?, Marjorie LiPari. next group back: Debbie Andrews, Mike Blaxill, Luther Creek, Sibley Smith, ?, Joe Butler, Heather MacRae, JoAnne Harris...

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