HAIR-Future Licenses

HAIR – Future Licenses as of 4-6-11_0067.PDF



This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 13th, 2011 at 10:52 AM and filed under Current Events & News, Productions - New. Follow comments here with the RSS 2.0 feed. Skip to the end and leave a response. Trackbacks are closed.

One Response to “HAIR-Future Licenses”

  1. JohnZ said:

    Thanks, Michael, for posting about upcoming HAiR productions. Unfortunately, it seems that only one production is scheduled for all of California, and that one is for only three days!

    I did otice that there are quite a few productions being mounted by high schools! Bravo!

    It has been sooo long since we had a really good production of HAiR in Los Angeles! Hebe, her brother, and I attended the opening night performance of the touring production when it was at the Pantages Theatre in Hollywood. We were sorely disappointed. It was sort of like a “paint-by-numbers” rendering of a da Vinci … they seemed to go through all the motions as if they were going through a check-list, rather than understanding the meaning behind what they were doing. (Remember Berger pan handling ONE audience member, then jumping immediately back on stage?!) Hebe’s brother put it most succinctly when he said that there just “was no tribe there” on that stage.

    And yes, we danced on stage. And yes, we gave a standing ovation … to HAiR – NOT the this production.

    A curious side note: Standing ovations seem to be given much more sparingly in little theaters, while they are essentially de rigueur in the larger venues. Is this due to large, expensive venues attracting a different caliber of audience compared to “little theaters?” Or, does the large theater audience feel that the production HAD to be good … otherwise, it would have been foolish to shell out such a tidy sum on an inferior production?


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