ace ace at aceross.com
Thu Dec 23 07:40:42 PST 2004

When I went to vote....as a registered voter I was not on the list....I had
to go to two different locations finally I was given a Provisional Voter
Receipt and told, "Call in 40 days to see if your vote was counted"
well.....the number is 800
815 2666 ext 3.......there seems to be no one home......... 

-----Original Message-----
From: mb-hair-bounces at islandlists.com
[mailto:mb-hair-bounces at islandlists.com] On Behalf Of venuetheatre at juno.com
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2004 2:22 AM
To: mb-hair at islandlists.com
Subject: [Mb-hair] Re: QUESTION OF THE DAY

Today's question:
Why is it that, without exception, every hanging chad, every registration
thrown out, every hacked voting machine, every voting booth with not enough
voting machines, every computer error, every dirty trick,  favors the
Republicans in some way?

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