[Mb-civic] JB, and NEWSWEEK

Jim Burns jameshburns at webtv.net
Wed May 10 09:06:19 PDT 2006

With all the hubub, and whatever, during the week of my birthday, I
didn't realize, this ran in NEWSWEEK... 

"Remembering Dana Reeve" 

Whatever one thought of Dana and Christopher Reeve's politics, you had
to admire their tenacity and the special grace that I believe attend
those who strive through tragedy, particularly when that sadness has to
be borne publicly ("A Legacy of Love and Hope," March 20). When I
learned of Dana's passing, I remembered an image from the end of Chris
Reeve's fabled fantasy film SOMEWHERE IN TIME, where his character is
reunited after death with his beloved in some enchanted realm. And I had
the thought that the Reeves, although apart for only a short while, have
now been able to embrace for the first time in years. 

Jim Burns, 4/3/06

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