[Mb-civic] What If They Gave a Nuclear Explosion, and Nobody Came?

Jim Burns jameshburns at webtv.net
Thu Mar 16 01:04:49 PST 2006

Now, here's a thought.

(And remember, I hate that particular kind of paranoid think-speak,
whether it's from the right, or the left, of our political spectrum.



So, check this off to just, not even thinking out loud, but a random,
really bizarre, sudden notion, I had the other day.

Kind of like one of those absurist pieces of doggerels some of you have
heard me do, on radio (and elsewhere), every once in a long while.

Although, of course, this wouldn't be funny.

But with our strange weather patterns, it occured to me, that what if
everthing's been thrown off--

By some nuclear incident, of the last year.

Theoretically, all the crap that would have been put in the atmosphere,
might have been enough to, months later, change patterns...

And if there had been an atomic conflagration--

Whether a dropped bomb, a meltdown somewhere, or some other accident--

And, if it had happened in a country where such information would be
easy to conceal--

Think China, or elsewhere--

A news blackout, is conceivable.

(With the way things have been going, a blackout on information is
conceivable, for other areas, as well.)

I've been stunned, the last few months, at the number of even bright
people who have beeen happy about the absurdly, pleasant weather, here
in the North East, not realizing that in all likelihood, its cause is
something not entirely pleasant, at all.

The nuclear scenario is unlikely.

But imagine if a part of the planet had been destroyed.

And no one was the wiser.

Maybe we're just doing it, far more slowly.

Jim Burns

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