[Mb-civic] The Terror In New Orleans

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Tue Sep 13 04:21:22 PDT 2005

The Terror In New Orleans

CheeseNote:  Just a little ditty I found on some blog.


Dear Washington Press Corps and All Mainstream Media,

For five years Karl Rove has used and abused you; using you to spread his
"talking points" (read: Propaganda), and abusing you by threatening your
job, your family and your reputation if you don't comply with and promote
the Party line. And for five years, you've enabled this sick relationship
with your acquiescence. Most of the country has watched in horror as you
slowly lost your self-respect, your integrity, and finally, any pretense of
basic journalistic practices. Despite millions of emails, letters, faxes,
phone calls and protests by concerned Americans begging you to report the
truth about the war on Iraq, you instead marched in lockstep with the
murderous Bush regime and actually promoted their lies. Your complicit
actions have directly resulted in the slaughter of thousands of innocents in
Iraq and around the world. Your lazy, sloppy non-reporting is your personal
contribution to the deaths of American soldiers. You have blood on your
hands. Oh, yes you do.

com·plic·it (k&m-'pli-s&t) adj.

Associated with or participating in a questionable act or a crime; having
complicity: newspapers complicit with the propaganda arm of a dictatorship.

Now, the "terror" that we are supposedly fighting "over there" (you remember
that talking point, of course) has finally hit us "over here." The terror I
am speaking about is the terror caused by the greed, the willful
incompetence, and the criminal negligence of your Lord and Master, Karl
Rove, who, like minions, does the dirty work of the true evildoer, that
ultimate terrorist, George W. Bush.

The terror in New Orleans is not the terror of an "insurgent" protecting his
home and family in the lost city of Fallujah. It's the terror of a young
mother holding her dehydrated and dying baby, whose only crime was to be
born black and poor, and whose fate lies in the hands of a soulless monster
who can't find the time out of his vacation to give the poor baby and his
mother a bottle of water to save their lives. The terror in New Orleans is a
family up to their necks in filthy, disease-filled water; perhaps they are
in their attic, perhaps the mother watches helplessly as her children drop
off to sleep and drown before her eyes. She is too weak to help them.
Perhaps she has gone mad after five eternal days of struggling, treading
water, starvation and thirst. And the help that never came will finally send
her on her way to the only place she knows of that will welcome her with
open arms; to her God. She knows she will see her children there. Leaving
this hell on earth is easy when you think of it that way.

Am I boring you, Mainstream Media? Is this not scandalous enough for you?
Oh, I forgot; this story isn't very sexy.

This story, and the story of tens of thousands of your fellow Americans who
have died unnecessary and horrific deaths as a result of the criminal
negligence of your boss, George W. Bush, is your big scoop. There's enough
murder and mayhem, scandal and corruption, greed and depravity for all of
you so-called journalists to get your blood-soaked hands on. This story is
what you live for, isn't it? Well, except for the sex part. Sorry, that's
rather low on the list right now.

One problem, though. Karl has decided that he doesn't really want you to
have this story. He doesn't want the rest of America to see what you are
seeing. He would prefer that George not be held responsible for the 25,000
thousand lives that are estimated to have been thrown away like so much
garbage. Karl would like the National Guard to SHOOT YOU rather than let you
tell the American people what is happening in New Orleans. Karl and George
have taken away your press pass. You no longer have the right, in THIS
COUNTRY, to take a photo, to even go near the area. You will not be let in,
just as the victims are under lock and key and armed guard to not leave.

We have our first American Concentration Camp, located in New Orleans. Now
there's a story for you.

So, Mr. And Ms. Mainstream Media, how much longer will you allow Karl to
feed your fears and keep you under his thumb? How many deaths will you
witness, how much suffering will you ignore, how long will you allow
yourselves to be used and abused by this sick administration?

Do ANY OF YOU have friends, relatives or colleagues who are dead or missing?
Do you care AT ALL??

If you do, go get your story. Don't bring your big cameras or your big
crews. Sneak in there with your small cameras, go undercover. Do your job.
Save some lives. Don't allow this crime against humanity to go unreported.
If you do allow it, you are responsible for it.

Many must be held accountable. It will be either the Bush administration, or
it will be you. And you know first hand that they will do anything,
including slaughter of our people, in order to deflect responsibility away
from themselves.

You are already being blamed (you're playing the "blame game!") and YOU will
become the criminals if you allow the Bush administration to get away with
this. THEY will make you the criminals, and so will the American public.
Because WE KNOW THE TRUTH NOW. And we need you, DEMAND THAT YOU, tell it.

Lastly, you and your family may be next. Think about that if nothing else.

I sign myself,
Ashamed of America


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