[Mb-civic] What Kind of Extremist Will You Be?

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Thu Sep 8 23:06:47 PDT 2005

Re:  What Kind of Extremist Will You Be?

Movingly astounding words.

But unless those people ("the appalling silence of the good people") wake
up, you will be like a Jew in Germany in 1937 when Hitler was coming to
power, except it is 60 years later and you are dealing with the inheritors
of the same people who have been screwing us domestically ever since that
time of Sieg Heil crapola, handing that out as leaflets on a streetcorner
with the brownshirts watching you do it.  A truly great letter of Hope and
Truth spinning under the tires of the Republican Party, 25 million Christian
extremists, and the same old military/industrial complex Eisehower spoke of
in 1961, and with the actual Media in their pocket, not counting now most
likely the Supreme Court itself, rolling under the wheels of Cheney's limo
as he goes duck hunting during the rain and feasting of the alligators and
more coffins coming back from Iraq.

Your speech is, besides being necessary and inspired beyond dignity, not
worth the paper it is printed on to "The Powers That Be".

To small people like me it is part of the things that bring Life itself back
to the dead cheeks of the living.

If you can both wake those "appallingly-silent good people" up, and try,
convict and hang from a tree on the White House grounds the current
tyrant-du-jours, which basically encompasses almost the entire System of
America at this late sad date, you might have something.

Other than that, they would just go to prison for a few years, get out on
good behaviour, write a book, become a talk-show host, and get picked back
up by the same old powers that be, in one manner or another, with a silent
fortune stashed away in the Bahamas or somewhere.

Well, anyway, it was a very moving speech.  Not something one might always
think about "replying to" as it is so complete, unique, and absolute by

But I felt I had to say *something*, even if it was just another Cheese
Thing, because it was so well written.  I read things this woman writes
sometimes and I wonder for a second how such pure prose can come from a
mourning woman bedraggled by the fascist *ssholes and their minions of
America itself.

Her courage and fluency are well-noted.

The part about "pulling out of the Middle East immediately".  First, there
are 14 permanent military bases going on there and if we pulled out both
civil war would break out in Iraq and we would lose control of Middle
Eastern oil (actual hands-on access, what a mind-bender, lol), and therefore
I see it highly unlikely as happening, by either a Republican or a Democrat
"leadership".  There's just too much money at stake, which is one of the
main reasons they "stirred the pot of snakes" over there, so they could
invite themselves in (in the name of Freedom) and get and maintain permanent
hands-on access to oil, besides strategic geographical military positions..

Translation:  If anyone in a leadership roll pulls us "out of the Middle
East" in the next 20 years, I will be highly shocked and open for all the "I
told you so's" one might have lurking around their cookie jars.

Anyway, great writing, great words, millions of people are reading them
right now, just not enough though for some reason.

I'm sure they all found, and will find, inspiration in your words.

Never stop such things.

But, personally, inspiration and Lack Of Access continues to get me the
greased up pig behind the whorehouse in Guadalajara.

I never stop knocking at the door.  True, they never open it, heh.  But I
never stop knocking.

Wake me up when it's 1938.  From 1938 to 2005, Nazis in new clothes.

And all that coming from a grieving mother who would stand with a sign in a
ditch in a road as they sped by and honked their horns at her.

Heh...              A masterpiece.

Perhaps next time Barbara will remember to keep her knees together.

Ok, I'm done....




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