[Mb-civic] FEMA: "No photos of dead people allowed"

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Thu Sep 8 03:32:11 PDT 2005

FEMA:  "No photos of dead people allowed"


Hmmm......  So....   I was right after all.

Imagine that.

A picture speaks a thousand words, or so they say something like that.

See, you probably already realize this, but in mass-murders, whether
instigated by or just helped along by human c*cksuckers, allowing
photographs of the dead (or even just of their coffins), is Just Not Good

If they can *continue* to hide photographs, and even now literally prevent
them from even ever being taken, of actual Dead People murdered in one way
or another from the general public of America, each and all calamities, wars
and disasters will have less and less of an impact as to the hard Realities
of it for years and years and years to come.

Nothing new to me, just the same old moves continuing to be deployed by
those who create and operate slave nations such as ours.

I hope you're having as good a day as The Dead.

Kind of ironic, kinda, most of the poor Dead could never get anyone to take
their photographs while they were alive, and now that they're Dead, people
are doing their best to make sure that nobody ever sees them for the rest of

So much for Andy Warhol's "15 minutes of Fame" theory.

Good taste is one thing.  Varying degrees of Genocide, and the ensuing
excruciating cover-ups, remains an entirely different matter.

Of course, the millions of Children who will grow up in The Future in
"faith-based" facilities will never have to worry about such things.

Jesus and The Republicans will just take them to Heaven one day and they
will never know Death.

Since there will no longer be any access to photographs of The Dead across
America for the rest of eternity, they wouldn't know it when they saw it to
begin with so what would it matter in the first place.

Ah...  so....    I've worked my way into another moot point....




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