[Mb-civic] Bill Keller's email and Judy Miller's response

Mike Blaxill mblaxill at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 24 07:19:55 PDT 2005

Bill Keller:
As you can imagine I've done a lot of thinking --
and a lot of listening -- on the subject of what
I should have done differently. Aside from a
number of occasions when I wish I had kept my
mouth shut or at least chosen my words more
carefully, I've come up with three points at
which I wish I had made different decisions.
These are places where the lessons of my mistakes
extend beyond this peculiar case. I'll lay them
out in greater detail than you can use in your
column. If you decide to post our exchanges on
the Website, perhaps this will help readers
understand that we hope to learn from this
experience. This, of course, is all with the
clarity of hindsight....

...Bill, I wish you had spoken to me before
accusing me of misleading Phil Taubman and of
being entangled with Libby in your message to the

For whole story click link below

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