[Mb-civic] An article from globeandmail.com

Harry harry.sifton at sympatico.ca
Wed May 25 07:58:29 PDT 2005

Harry (harry.sifton at sympatico.ca) thought you would be interested in the following article from globeandmail.com, Canada's leading source for online news: 

"Oil's global choke points" 
More than 35 million barrels of oil is transported by ship and pipeline very day, and much of it passes through bottlenecks that are narrow and risky - some even known to be targeted by pirates or terrorists. It takes only one such incident to upset the balance of global oil trade, resulting in a domino effect that hits shipping routes, travel times, and delivery schedules. 

Note from  Harry: 
This is a concern, any disruption causes $$ issues. 
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