[Mb-civic] Armageddon: The Great Lie Of Jesus Christ -- For All The Really Stupid People In The Audience

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Mon May 16 23:19:58 PDT 2005

Re:  Armageddon: The Great Lie Of Jesus Christ -- For All The Really Stupid
People In The Audience

Cheeseburger clicks off his computer.  He got lost.  He smiles and wonders
if he's really a billion-dollar-fingers guitarist or just some guy with a
baseball cap that makes wooden bowls and lives with cats.  Either way, he
figures, he will never be lacking for a personal manager when he hits LA.
:)  It's like he's turned into one of those little old ladies in those old
movies who call the police up and has them rush over just because she wants
someone to talk to.  Cheeseburger strums his guitar softly.  There is a hush
upon the lands.  He wonders if it is just another temptation to climb to the
top of the mountain again and command all to kneel.  To what end, he
wonders.  For what purpose.  Armageddon.  Such a subject.  The end of the
world, with someone named Jesus coming at the head of fiery angels from
heaven to kill everyone but the true believers etc etc etc...  Are there
signs..?  Aren't there signs..?  Don't try to get elected, cuz if you do,
you know you'll have to cut your hair...  And there's a signpost up ahead,
the twilight zone...  Oh well, anyway, about Armageddon, other than it's
forever-been-used use as a social, religious, political, etc weapon of mass
delusion, someone will have to show me hebrew/aramaic/etc? interpretations
or something they base the statement that Jesus meant "the generation of the
time of the arrival of Armageddon" rather than "the generation he was
speaking to at the time he said it, meaning Armageddon will come during
their time), as I can't just take your word for it with nothing for my own
eyes in "the bible" to substantiate it on that level.  On the other hand, if
it IS how he meant it, oh well, nevermind, hehe...  However, I still don't
get it why he let them nail him to a cross instead of starting a revolution
and overthrowing the tyrants like the Americans did to the British in 17
hundred whatever.  I think it was a mistake...  And then further on it says
he was in the garden of itreallygetstome or whatever, and he started bawling
asking "Father, if it be thy will, take this cup from me...", meaning "Hey,
yo, Pop, if I don't have to let them nail me to a tree, swoop down with a
might pillar of fire or something and save me and turn my oppressors into
pillars of salt or something like you did to Lot's wife...", even though he
himself continuously reminded his apostles that it was his destiny to
therein drink and to stay out of his way on the entire matter.  I know
that's been explained, in some circles, as "the human side" of Jesus (as he
was born of both human and God), but it just kind of pisses me off.  He was
obviously set up by the Essenes or someone.  True, he might HAVE been the
actual "true son of God", but for the oddest reasons, I can't really see
"The Son Of God" crying in a Garden somewhere asking God his Father to come
down and strike down the Philistines or someone upon him and then he
wouldn't have to be nailed to a cross and die, even though that was at the
core message of many of his sermons and teachings that he came specifically
for that purpose as the sacrifice for the entirety of humanity.  To me it
just, sometimes, sounds like the Essenes weren't too pleased with the
Pharisees and Sadducees and Etccees, and brainwashed Jesus into believing he
WAS the "son of God", and at the very end, he actually found himself praying
for God his Father to come down and deliver him from the very plight he came
for, to teach, be ridiculed etc, and hung on a cross, for various reasons.

And then I wake up, and I don't care either way.

I forget to even speculate about the time of "Armageddon", only that there
continue to be those who will exploit the full force of its power of terror
and hold on faithful to the extremes and beyond of any imagination ever
invented almost.

I don't really know where we are.  It might be like that old old episode of
The Twilight Zone when it was in black and white on television, that we are
all just little ragdoll puppets thrown into some Salvation Army 50 gallon
can to be sold to those passing by making contributions, living in the
bottom of the can an actual Separate Reality, doing our best to figure out
who we are, how we got here in the bottom of the can, how we can get out,
and what is over the edge.  The way that story ended was that they all got
on top of each other's shoulders finally at the bottom of the can, and one
finally climbed to the top of the edge, he was so astounded by what he saw,
that they all fell back in the bottom of the can, and lay there, like the
ragdolls they were.  And the people on the outside of the can just kept
smiling and passing as the lady rang the bell.

The machinery made by Man ongoing at this moment is rather obviously
purposely steering the world toward an engineered Armageddon, at great
expense to The World, and at great profit to these certain "Men".  That is
one actual undeniable Truth I have observed.

And, again, that and a nickel will get you the greased up pig behind the
whorehouse in Guadalajara.

All the words, in all the languages, all get in the way.

There are such simplicities it seems sometimes.  Such wonderful
alternatives...  to words.

The last words my mother spoke before she "passed on" were, again, "Make the
world a better place to live".

Any words beyond that, from anyone about anything, in any language, seem
obsolete by comparison of both motive and outcome, individually, locally,
and universally.

Sometimes I'm glad I only have a high school education.  Not for the fact of
my many ignorances, shortcomings, misperceptions, personal "evils", whatever
etc etc etc, but for the fact that if there are too many words coming from
any and all directions, there are such Simplicities that they break down to,
regardless of any and all perspectives.

Make the world a better place to live.  Now to do that oneself, and to
entice? people globally to also do that, is certainly a tricky feat,
especially since certain "Men" continously run around usurping any thrones
of purity hanging around Earth making Armageddon as quickly and as often as
they can.  It's like sex to them, only it pays better.

Help those who need help.

Take all the rest of the words and throw them in the garbage.

They're basically useless against such Simplicities, and they're also part
of the reason we're in all these fixes to begin with.

There are no words.

If there IS a true God of goodness, healing, etc etc etc, may he redeem us
from this Madness and Death.

If there is NOT, then that just leaves me and you.

And I don't know about you, but I'm walking on sunshine.......



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