[Mb-civic] Protests force out Lebanon's government

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Tue Mar 1 02:45:05 PST 2005

Re:  Protests force out Lebanon's government

I forgot to add a comment.  Scott McClellan is an *ssh*le, as are most of
them Up There.

While it is great for foreign powers such as the USA to jump in, as 25,000
protestors in the streets of Lebanon face down the Syrian Government and its
15,000 troops and thousands of intelligence goons there, and state
(promote?) that their elections there should be "free and fair", they
cannot, or rather will purposely not, even ensure fair elections in their
own country of America.  Boom.

And for him to further state that, well let's just put the whole little
piece of quote up:

the selection of a new government ''should be free of all foreign
interference. That means Syrian military forces and intelligence personnel
need to leave the country," he said.  ''That will help ensure that elections
are free and fair."

Geez, Scott, lol, you have no intention of having fair elections either
here, nor in Iraq, and you're definitely not going to be pulling American
military forces and intelligence personnel out of Iraq to ensure that
elections are free and fair there, because Halliburton etc is going to be
there a long long long, long time making billions of dollars and needs our
protection while doing it.

If you could just come out of that old cold war era deep bullsh*t crap,
Scott, and start coming out with a little truth instead of the same old
propaganda, I might have a little more respect for you.

And as far as you, Feith, I can see your future, you will go on to bigger
and greater things than you have accomplished so far at the Pentagon.

In the face of what I see in the tea leaves as to your Great Work in the
Future, I can only hope that you fail miserably.

Maybe Scott can keep a job open for you somewhere along the line.  That will
ease your pain, not "ours", but "ours" will never be as important as yours.

Oh my, it turned into another "Treason" lecture...  lol.

Nevermind.     :|



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