[Mb-civic] The Meaning of "Calm"

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Mon Feb 28 21:42:00 PST 2005

Re:  The Meaning of "Calm"


Good article.  Good to know there are still people in America, among other
places, who do not just fold up their tents and go shopping in the middle of
the Apocalypse.

What remains a major problem is that, one relatively safely presumes at this
late date of Media BlackOut and Rule By Wackadoo, that the Average American
not only has no idea what is going on in Palestine, or with the Palestinian
People, but doesn't give a crap either.

They also have no idea what is going on in Darfur, Sudan, Nairobi, Northern
Ireland, or Tibet, nor do they know anything much about China or give a
rat's *ss that WalMart (etc's)products come from there.

They've never heard of Tajikistan, and are bored to death if you try to
explain what's happening in India, Bulgaria, or Rio De Janero lately.

They are comfortably in place inside the bubble of The American Dream, where
they are nimbly kept as fat reliable worker-consumers for The State, and all
that other crap is simply someone else's problems, which do not affect them.

If it does, that is what we have a military for, to blow the crap out of
them if they bother us.

They have no idea what is going on in Canada, Mexico, or even the State
right next to them, and many times, not even in their own State.

They do, however, remember that Baby Jesus was born in Israel, was a Jew,
ancestors from someone like Saddam Hussein put him to death, and he is
coming back someday soon to beat the crap out of anyone who bothers us while
we're shopping.

All in all, as the world turns to sh*t before their eyes, that, friend, is
at least something.

Isn't it...?


- God help the Palestinians, as America never will,  and the Israelis need
more real estate.


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