[Mb-civic] Negropontificus - Lord Of Intelligence

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Fri Feb 18 03:57:31 PST 2005

Negropontificus - Lord Of Intelligence


"Intelligence Czar".  Sounds like something out of the Kremlin in a James
Bond movie.

Well, I dunno, despite everything pro or con about this guy, just try to
remember he sold "WMD in Iraq" to the U.N. like it was a popsicle.

Now in charge of 15 top American Intelligence Agencies.

I'm shuddering now, you can't see it in the typing, but it's there

I just have the strangest deja vu that we're beginning to relive every WWII
movie we ever knew about.

But this time, among others, we are the occupied country.

By our own people.

I realize I'm not alone in such a presumption, but all the top names in
Hitler's "organization" just keep coming to my mind for some reason, and I
find myself trying to figure out who in the top of America's new "Order"
correlates with the appropriate german guy in a similar position from that
era in History.

I haven't figured them all out yet, but I just know they will make a great
jigsaw puzzle I can some day sell on Ebay.

But by then, Ebay will have stopped people from selling Bush paraphenalia as
well just out of respect.

Maybe they won't notice a t-shirt.......


- Ok, Mostel, take it...   "Springtime for Bush and America.... la la la la


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