[Mb-civic] NO EXIT STRATEGY! get it!!??

Lyle K'ang lyve at netzero.com
Fri Aug 12 20:50:11 PDT 2005


Thoughts on Iraq for Linda

Here are some things you might want to include:

1. Since the mid 90's a group of people now called neo-conservatives devised a plan to use America's military power to dominate the middle east. They published that plan, prepared numerous reports, wrote letters to President Clinton, testified in front of congress throughout the 90's. That plan is available on the internet and has not changed much since they wrote it. Their plan is called "Project for the New American Century" (PNAC) and can be found on the web. The end plan has not changed and they still maintain the website, are not apologetic at all about it...rather they are pretty proud of it...

If one only reads some of the letters and reports of the mid 90's to 2000 one will see that they had every intention of attacking Iraq prior to 9/11 and they currently have absolutely NO INTENTION of exiting from Iraq. That is why they HAVE NO EXIT STRATEGY! THEY DO NOT INTEND TO EXIT! 

If one looks at the signatures on their letters you will find that the signators are embedded in the Bush Administration and are quite powerful policy setters for this administration. You will also understand why when we were attacked on 9/11 Rumsfeld immediately wanted to attack Iraq and also why we pulled out of the search for Osama Bin Laden.

If one reads the Downey Street Memos you will find that PRIOR to going to congress and PRIOR to going to the UN to make the case for invading Iraq the intelligence was being manipulated. This is not a fake document it has been admitted to as being a government document by the Brits. Another revelation in the series of Downing Street memos was that we were attacking Iraq by air PRIOR to even going to congress for permission to invade Iraq and PRIOR to going to the UN.

An interview I heard today involved a member of the U.S. Air Force who was a member of the crew of a U.S. surveillance plane that was charged with the responsibility of taking information from special forces operations within Iraq, coordinating target zones within Iraq....these were not target zones in the NO Fly zone areas...they were throughout Iraq and were targeting infrastructure, military installations and looking for Saddam's "air force"...They also coordinated and looked for air planes in the sky from Iraq while the bombings were going on. These bombing raids (44,000 tons of bombs) in Iraq took place in August, Sept and October of 2002.....6 months prior to the invasion and PRIOR to the presentation to Congress and later to the UN the administration's case for going to war!. 

Of course they did not find any Iraqi air force...because most of it was destroyed in the 1st gulf war and the rest he sent to Iran and they said thank you very much now we will keep them.....The purpose of the bombing attacks was to soften up the Iraqi military capability and to coincidentally to entice Saddam to attack the American plans with anti-aircraft artillery...a few American deaths would add fuel to the American psyche and make it easier to make the case for going to war with Iraq...but the fact is Saddam did not bite, just as he didn't later bite and NOT refuse to allow inspectors in...he allowed them in, cooperated with them and they only left because BUSH told the inspectors that they had better for their own safety get out because we were going to attack.

The bombing of Iraq...ie going to war with Iraq without either the consent of congress or the recommendation of the UN was just that an ACT of War...and a violation of International Law as well as our own constitutional law. No nation is allowed under international law to attack another unless in self-defense....there was no argument being made for self defense at the time we were bombing the H out of the Iraqi countryside and infrastructure in the 6 months prior to our invasion.

These facts are corroborated in the Downing Street Memos and the British were involved in the aerial attacks as well.
If one needs more proof that there is NO EXIT STRATEGY BECAUSE THEY DO NOT INTEND TO EXIT, then answer these questions:

If we intend to exit at some point in time...the administration itself has said anywhere from 2-10 years...maybe, then why are we currently at this time doing the following:

1. Building the largest most expensive U.S. Embassey in the world in Iraq...which will have a between 3500 and 4000 staff?

2. Rebuilding, expanding 4 IRAQI military bases, for use as U.S. Military bases?

3. Building 14 NEW and quite large and state of the art U.S. MILITARY BASES in Iraq.

4. Why have we not been able to rebuild Iraq's infrastructure to at least the point where there is a modicum of a source of clean water, electricity and why can't we secure 17 miles of road to the Baghdad Airport...given the fact that Halliburton and its various subsidiaries etc. have been given billions and billions of dollars to "reconstruct" Iraq? By the way Halliburton's last quarter financials show that they, in that quarter alone, have accumulated a 200% increase in profits!! Really lucrative building those bases.

5. When the CPA was in charge in Iraq under Paul Bremer 8.9 billion dollars in Iraq Oil For Food monies came up missing. (Once we occupied Iraq the UN turned over the administration of the Iraq OIL for Food Program to the CPA..the occupying force) The CPA has never given either Congress or the UN an accurate and complete financial reporting of the OIL FOR FOOD Program after the CPA took over its administration. Which makes it all too clear why the Bush Administration has so vehemently taken the opportunity to castigate. rant and rave etc. about the UN Oil For Food Program...appointed an investigator etc....and yes there were problems with the UN program...but why haven't we appointed the same kind of investigator for the 8.9 Billion dollars missing under Bremmer's Watch!

So in summary there is an ideological...American Domination of the Middle East and the OIL...and a financial reason for what this administration has done...the financial is pure and simple...war profiteering and the use and abuse of Iraqi resources as well as the American Treasury to line the pockets of munition suppliers, the military industrial complex and Bush and Cheney's pockets. 

Ah! yes..WAR PROFITEERING has a long history with the Bush family going back to World War I. Why do we have a WAR ON TERROR? Because Bush likes being a War Time President, because it is Profitable to be at war in perpetuity...and because it means that we can have an American Empire...control the oil in the middle east...control the world's economy. But all empires fall...just ask the British.


I will believe Bush and the current administration when they say the "honor the lives" of our troops, that the causes that they are fighting for are Noble ones when they send their own children, their own daughters, sons etc. to fight what they call the "good fight"...but that will be a cold day in hell...since none of them ever fought in a war during their lifetime and instead "opted out"...

For the Republicans who support this war and their president, I say..time to walk the talk...march yourselves on down to the nearest recruiting office. Our troops need your help. 

A little magnet on your car is not supporting the troops...just do it!

Lyle K'ang, MBA/IM 

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