[Mb-civic] Thank you America, Oil $64 usd

Harold Sifton harry.sifton at sympatico.ca
Mon Aug 8 16:19:34 PDT 2005

Thank you America, for you fear and consumption of fossil fuel.

It is just not India and China's so called new consumption, it is America on going ............


America's irresponsible consumption and attitude has lead to record prices and more important war under the guise of terrorism which really only happened because of Americas need to control/exploit  Oil resources in Foreign countries for National interests.

I know that the above is a naive statement, but Americas interests/greed are screwing the world.

Thank you so very, very much!!

I just paid $1.00 cdn for a litre of regular gas. 3 years ago it was .48  to .52 cents and 6 yrs ago .38 to .42 !!

Please, just get it together !!

Later H

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