[Mb-civic] If I had a date tonight, you wouldn't be reading this.

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Sat Aug 6 01:35:26 PDT 2005

If I had a date tonight, you wouldn't be reading this.

Re:  Bek's "What Have We Done?"

Dahr Jamail's Iraq Dispatches
Iraq Dispatches
Tomgram: Dahr Jamail on the Zarqawi Phenomenon August 05, 2005
"What Have We Done?"

Ok, yes, I'm small, unimportant, uneducated, and often quite dense, so,
please, help me understand all this.

So, you're telling me that we've invaded a foreign country for its oil,
locations, profits, and political benefits, all based on lies by our own
people in our own government, cottage industry corporations, Israeli spies
in the Pentagon, and other Interested Parties, probably somewhere near
100,000 Iraqi civilians and U.S. G.I.s are dead and wounded, it's cost us a
few hundred billion dollars so far, our international reputation is in down
the toilet, and we've created the now largest breeding ground for terrorists
that earth has ever seen.

And our Congress, our Media, and half? the nation are still reluctant to
correct the mistake, much less even to admit it when even they know it
exists at this late date, which leaves us somewhere in Limbo between fascism
and national suicide.

And we've even sent our best military fighting men who have a tradition,
duty, and history of protecting America for centuries over there to shoot at
them with radiation shells which burst apart or something and, well, let's
quote it as it's so shucking cool:

"After discussing how the background radiation in Baghdad is now five times
the normal rate-the equivalent of having 3 chest x-rays an hour, he said,
"These are not accidents-the DU [Depleted Uraniaum]-it¹s important for
people to understand this-the use of DU and its effects are by design. These
are very carefully engineered and orchestrated incidents."

So, not only all the above, but we have shelled them wherever we have deemed
necessary with radioactive weapons.

Not only do we want all their oil, and to run their country like an airport
lobby for America for eternity, but we wish to radiate them so they, and all
their children, on top of everything else we have done, can, and might do to
them, die slowly from cancer etc and all the other horrific afflictions that
accompany radioactive poisoning.

Purposeful radioactive poisoning.

Heh, yes, you have definitely come a long way, America.

We are indeed Godzilla.

None can conquer us.

We are the shining hope of the world, pledged to our collective duties to
truth, justice, equality, freedom, hope, healing, and all the other good

Willfully irradiating civilians in a country we invaded on lies.

They are going to be dying decades from now, slowly, inch by inch, by our
radiation weapons efforts there now, and their relatives will never forget
it, just like we have never forgot such things as Pearl Harbor.

If you do not do something to change America back to "anywhere near the
better aspects possible" before the next election in America, you might as
well take your children out and sell them, as they're sold in advance
already and you are just too stupid to understand it all.

Pick a name for these people.

My names of "Nazi" or "Fascist" might be incorrect in your mind.

So pick a name of your own that you might think more aptly describes "Them".

"They" are certainly in control here for now, and people are dying like

And freedoms are vanishing around dark corners.

And "movements" are joining hands to sway the breath of reason from your
forefathers' breasts.

And you are just another expendable puppet in the face of chaos, death,
destruction, and self-annihilation created by people you continue to proudly
and excitedly call "Leaders".

They led you into the piss pool, bubba, time to wake up, time to do
something other than sit here and read crap from someone who couldn't get a
date tonight.

Oh, yes, sorry, I forgot that on top of all that and radioactive poison
weapons, we destroyed and let be looted thousands of years of historical
items etc etc etc, like it was nothing.

America is only about 500 years old.

Well, anyway, pick a name for "Them".

And try to decide how you are going to deal with them.

They are among you.

In more ways than one.

Do something great.

Do it soon.

Please, do it soon, I don't really want to release my compassion upon the

It will free the nations, but "They" will disappear in the instant of a
single thought.

Call it Love, call it Freedom, call it Hope, call it whatever you want.

But you really should get busy coming up with a name for "Them", as they
remain your problem and your destruction, not what people like me think or
don't think....

Whether I live or die, think or do not think, whatever or not whatever, the
world is still dying faster and more horrible because of "Them".

They have so easily been able to manipulate the values of a country and the
manifest of humanitarian thought, that the fact that they got away with it
so easily makes you all look like a basic bunch of morons by comparison.

Perhaps you are not morons though.  Perhaps you are just brainwashed,
indoctrinated and trained beyond your own conception of your own personal,
and even collective, reality.

In either case, hey, you, yes you, you American type people persons out

Wake your asses up, I'm getting tired of holding my finger in the dyke.

Save your country, and this planet, from "Them", or, please, with all due
respect, get the fuck out of my way, I have things to attend to.

And now even our own G.I.s are coming out with statements like the one in
the aforementioned article.

Where the fuck is America....?  Wake up, dammit....  Time to wake up.....

Ring.... ring...  ring....  ring....
Click.  Yes, hello, this is America.
WAKE THE FUCK UP..........................!!!!!
Geez, how rude.

Uncle Cheeseburger.....!!
Yes, kids....
They hung up again....
You sure you got the right number...?
Yes, Judi, see, right here, "America"...
Yeah, that's the right number...
Dial it again, Jimi...
Ring...  ring...  ring... ring...
Click.  Hello, yes, this is America...
WAKE THE FUCK UP, AMERICA..........!!!!!!
It's the same rude asshole.
Hang it up.
Ok.  Click.  beep beep beep beep beep beep....
They hung up again, Uncle Cheeseburger...
See...  I told you so....
Yeah, you were right...
Yeah, you were, Uncle Cheeseburger...
You're always right, aren't you, Uncle Cheeseburger...?
Yes, yes, I am...   Well, night kids...
Night, Uncle Cheeseburger...

Is he gone...?
Yeah, he's gone...
Ok, try them again...
I dunno...
Come on, try them again, we'll call them all night...
I dunno, if we keep callin' 'em, we're just gonna get in trouble...
Hey, fuck 'em....
Yeah...  well...  I guess you're right...  fuck 'em.....
Ring...  ring....  ring.... ring....  ring....  ring.....  ring.....
ring......   ring......



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