[Mb-civic] On Prince Charles and Camilla

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Tue Apr 12 19:04:59 PDT 2005

On Prince Charles and Camilla

Al the Baraka wrote:

Cheese - that is well up to standard. Good stuff, well written, fun to read,
to the point. In the past 4 hours I have polished off 2 bottles of Argie
Chardonnay + the best part of a bottle of Hennessy VSOP (over lunch) so I
feel unqualified at this particular moment to make any intelligent comment.
I will try to make an unintelligent one just the same.

I know Prince Charles and La Traviata (an euphemism for the new Duchess of
Cornwall coined, as I write, by me - I shall crack down heavily on any
plagiarism) personally, as does Michael, although what with me behaving like
Indiana Jones in Africa and S.America over the past 2.5 decades our paths
cross less frequently than before.

They are both decent enough people nowadays and have always been fun. Prince
Charles always went out of his way to dance with poor lame old ladies, thus
making their evening, even when he really didn't have to and although he can
be terribly self-absorbed and grand and has a terrific victim complex he is
also charming and sensitive and does a lot of unsung good and basically his
heart is in the right place. Camilla will always support him. That is all
she ever wanted to do although she probably quite likes the trappings that
go with it.

Poor Diana was chosen to be a placid brood mare with no stains on her
escutcheon and was foisted upon him by 'The Firm'. His heart was never in
it. As it turned out she was a 'headstrong filly', he treated her quite
wrong and she went sour on him and you can't blame her for that either...

Fuck it, I am rambling on - basically nobody is that right and nobody is
that wrong on this one. If it had all been written by Sidney Sheldon or
someone it would be a best seller - it is all quite clichayed enough to
qualify for that, which is why it is so rivetting. 'Dynasty' meets the House
of Windsor.

That's enough from me.
Hasta la vista
Al Baraka


First, where the heck you been, kid...?  Secondly, please ask the Prince to
send Haase $250,000 for his broadway play, and I'll just take any little
bauble laying around on the floor so I can feed my cats.  It's nice now and
then to get insight, opinions etc, into various things, by people "who were
there".  Happiness seems such an elusive nymph sometimes.  Tragedy appears
to grow like weeds, seemingly cared for by maniacs.  Diana is gone, the
other 2 are off to never never land, and the Queen is lighting one hell of a
spliff right about now probably, wishing she still had Lennon's butt to grab
hanging around.  :p   Coulda, woulda, shoulda...  Royalty never dies, nor
does it fade away either like old soldiers apparently, it just passes from
one generation to another.  I guess my only consolation is thinking about
the presumption someone once put forth that Jack The Ripper might have
actually been "A Royal".  If nothing else, they will never be
uncontroversial.  Oh well, regardless, at least I have lots of cool bedtime
stories to tell the children each night.  Save a drink for me, Al.......


- A nymphomaniac....?  Sure, I've got a couple of minutes to listen to your
problems....   :|


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