[Mb-civic] onward christian soldiers

peter baker djinbaqr at tiscali.co.za
Thu Nov 11 01:42:41 PST 2004

marching into war
with the cross of jesus
going on before

well bear
.............this is what the american people voted for...the christian cowboys let loose firing millions of rounds of ammunition...15,000 cowboys against 3,000 haji's...yeah ! this is cool !..descibed by all as a u.s/iraqi operation and the iraqi participants first reported as 200 suddenly grew a nought and became 2,000 [well it looks better, right?]..completely destroying falluja [talk about rebuilding iraq !]..and this time there'll be no casualty figures..well, the cowboys took the hospital first [not only will there be not be a body count but also no medical treatment for casualties]  well, they're only haji's...the media proudly displaying the carnage and destruction for the world to see with their own correspondents embedded with the cowboys and describing all the superior fire power as if it is somehow heroic....even the newly pro-blair b.b.c. has a reporter on board....meanwhile the rest of the world is looking on in horror and revulsion...hatred for the cowboys increasing with every foot of film....not only among the muslim world but among decent intelligent people everywhere....meanwhile the resistance [reported as the insurgency] continues unabated elsewhere...taking falluja militarily is not going to help the u.s. cause at all: it is going to do it enormous harm....  mad baker
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