[Mb-civic] Re: Fw: A Regime Built on Terror

Greg Stevenson (Peace & Truth On Earth) deletemail at go.com
Thu Aug 5 21:35:55 PDT 2004

This article appeared in Canada's National Post? In Toronto, where the National Post originates it is known as a far right-wing, fascist, yellow rag owned and operated by Zionists. Their mandate is to spread a continuous stream of lies and dis-information about the atrocities and massacres that are really going on in Iraq and Palestine. And to continue to spew the bogus "war on terror" nonsense. 

Any article from that newspaper is always filled with wild distortions, inventions, dis-information and bold faced, out and out lies! It counts as some of its contributors, David Frum, Bush's former speechwriter who is credited with coining the idiotic term "axis of evil" - that Bush used referring to Iraq, Iran and North Korea.

In fact, in downtown Toronto some very aware individual has gone around to all the National Post paper boxes on the street and written the word Nazi over National. So that it now reads Nazi Post.
Don't be mislead by fabricated distortions and lies as to who the real threats are in this world. The only regimes in this world built on terror are the regimes of the war criminal and gangster Bush/Moron and one of history's greatest criminal thugs and mass murderers, Ariel Sharon.

Peace & Truth On Earth

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