Pope Joan

Aidscare, Inc. and Aids Pastoral Care Network


AIDSCARE, Inc. responds to the needs of single, impoverished, adult men and women living with AIDS or advanced HIV by providing residents with supportive, subsidized housing and integrated care that includes food, clothing, case management, counseling and education, and linkage with appropriate external care providers as needed. AIDSCARE opened its doors to residents in April, 1995 and currently is running at capacity, serving 18 male and female residents.


The AIDS Pastoral Care Network is an interfaith agency whose primary mission is to provide direct pastoral care to those affected by HIV/AIDS. These services include one-to-one pastoral counseling, support groups, retreats, bereavement support (individual and group), Camp Getaway (a summer camp for families with one or more HIV-infected members), church-based educational seminars, and public and private liturgical events. APCN is the co-sponsoring agency, along with the Department of Children and Family Services, of the "Project First Love" retreats, which provide HIV-infected parents an opportunity to begin future care planning in a supportive setting.

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